I fight with every ounce of strength I possess, my blade a blur of motion as I parry, thrust, and slash. Aldric moves beside me, his powerful wings creating gusts of wind that buffet our enemies. We're a whirlwind of destruction, but the dark elves keep coming.
"Look at the little human, playing at war," a dark elf sneers, his violet eyes gleaming with malice. I answer with my sword, slicing a deep gash across his cheek.
Another dark elf lunges at me, his blade whistling through the air. I duck, feeling the wind of its passage ruffle my hair. Aldric's wing sweeps out, knocking the attacker off balance. I seize the opportunity, driving my sword into his gut.
"You'll pay for that, bitch," growls a burly dark elf, his muscles rippling as he swings a massive axe at my head. I roll away, the blade embedding itself in the ground where I stood a heartbeat before.
Overhead, vrakken warriors swoop and dive, their battle cries piercing the air. But for every dark elf they take down, two more seem to materialize from the portal.
"Elowen, behind you!" Aldric shouts. I spin, barely deflecting a blow that would have taken my head off. The clash of steel on steel rings in my ears as I push back against my attacker's blade.
"Such a pretty little thing," the dark elf taunts, his breath hot on my face as we grapple. "Maybe we'll keep you alive. You'd make a fine slave."
Rage boils in my veins. With a roar, I headbutt him, feeling his nose crunch beneath my forehead. As he staggers back, I drive my sword through his chest.
But there's no time to savor the victory. More dark elves press in, their faces twisted with hatred and cruel amusement. Aldric and I stand back to back, surrounded on all sides. My arms ache, my lungs burn, but I grip my sword tighter.
I swing my blade in a wide arc, cutting down another dark elf. But as his body falls, two more take his place. My arms burn with exertion, sweat stinging my eyes as I struggle to catch my breath. Where's Aldric? I can't see him anymore.
"Lost your protector, little human?" a dark elf sneers, his violet eyes gleaming with malice.
I parry his attack, the force of it sending shockwaves up my arm. "I don't need protection," I snarl, driving my knee into his gut.
As he doubles over, I bring my elbow down on the back of his neck. But there's no time to celebrate. Another dark elf charges at me, his blade whistling through the air.
I duck, feeling the wind of its passage ruffle my hair. My muscles scream in protest as I twist away from another attack. There are too many of them. Fear claws at my throat, threatening to choke me.
"Aldric!" I shout, my voice lost in the cacophony of battle.
A dark elf's fist connects with my jaw, sending me staggering. I taste blood, spitting it out as I raise my sword to block his next strike.
"Such spirit," he laughs, pressing his advantage. "We'll have fun breaking you."
Rage burns through my veins, giving me a second wind. I lash out with my foot, catching him between the legs. As he crumples, I drive my sword through his chest.
But for every dark elf I take down, three more seem to appear. They circle me, taunting and jeering. I can't see Jessa or Nikolai anywhere. It's just me, surrounded by a sea of cruel, leering faces.
"Give up, little one," a dark elf with a scar across his face growls. "You can't win."
I grip my sword tighter, ignoring the trembling in my arms. "I'll die before I surrender to you," I spit.
He grins, revealing pointed teeth. "That can be arranged."
They close in, their blades glinting in the early morning light. Fear threatens to overwhelm me, but I push it down. I won't go down without a fight.
I fight with every ounce of strength I possess, my blade a blur of motion as I parry, thrust, and slash. The dark elves press in from all sides, their sneering faces a sea of cruelty. My muscles scream in protest, but I push through the pain, refusing to give in.
A burly dark elf swings his axe at my head. I duck, feeling the wind of its passage ruffle my hair. As I come up, I drive my sword into his gut. He grunts, surprise flickering in his violet eyes before they go dull.
"You'll pay for that, human bitch," snarls another, his blade whistling towards my neck.
I barely manage to deflect it, the clash of steel on steel ringing in my ears. The force of the blow sends shockwaves up my arm, but I grit my teeth and push back.
I hear him cackle as he bears down on me. "Such fire," he taunts, redoubling his assault. "We'll take pleasure in crushing your will."
Rage burns through my veins, giving me a second wind. I lash out with my foot, catching him between the legs. As he crumples, I drive my sword through his chest.
But for every dark elf I take down, two more seem to materialize. My breath comes in ragged gasps, sweat stinging my eyes. I spin, parrying another attack, but I'm not fast enough.