My eyebrows raise, silently requesting that she get to her point sooner, rather than later.
“So why does it bother you so much thatKurtsleeps around? Did it ever cross your mind that it might have something to do with the fact that youlikehim?” Cara says.
Aghast, I tell her, “There’s nothing aboutLockwoodthat I like.”
“Not even his ass?”
My cheeks go bright red at the mention, a faint memory of a similar conversation coming to the surface.
Cara all but crows, “You totally like his ass.”
A knock on the door makes me hiss, “Shut up,” just before it swings open and the man of the hour steps in himself.
Cara leans back in the chair that she’s sitting in. “Looking good, doctor.”
Kurt, amused, says, “Thank you?”
Cara stands up, folding her arms up behind her head as she does. “I’ll let you two get down to–whatever.” She gives me a pointed look. “You should at least think about what I said. We both know I’m right.”
“You’re not right,” I snap, hot temper flaring up. “You’re nosy.”
The grin that Cara shoots me is nothing less than shit eating. “Nosy, sure… But you’re the one that asked me about it.”
With that, she spins on one heel and flounces out of the room, the door clicking shut behind her.
“Do I want to know what she’s being nosy about?” Kurt asks.
It feels like the blush has spread down the sides of my neck. “Nothing. She’s just… Being a pain in the ass.”
“When isn’t she?” Kurt questions, moving to pick up my chart.
“I keep forgetting that you two worked together during that study.” After I started hanging out with Cara more frequently, I looked into the study a bit more.
Margur’s disease is a dreadful neurological disorder that eventually leaves the victim fully wheelchair bound. Then, a paraplegic. Eventually, the organs start to shut down.
Treatment for it had been elusive, in large part due to a lack of funding, and a lack of interest from any well-established doctors. While Margur’s disease is deadly, it’s also incredibly rare. And rare diseases never get the attention they deserve.
Jackson had decided to lead the research, starting a fully devoted study.
He funded it himself, from what I’ve heard–and not only did Kurt work with him on it, but so did Cara and Amanda—they were the four main doctors researching the disease. A few others made periodic rounds when they needed a specific expert to look into something, but for the most part, it was a small team that changed the medical world in a big way.
“She and Amanda were the only two residents involved in it. You should look at her notes sometime.” For a moment, we’re just two people who work together. I’m just a resident. He’s just a senior doctor.
I can see the part of him that Olivia has mentioned before. He’s smart, studious, and has an incredible work ethic. Straight forward in everything that he says, and always wanting to try and learn a little bit more. I don’t want to admit it, but there’s a reason why he’s so full of himself.
It’s because heknowswhat he’s doing.
“You think so?” I ask him, curious. “Where would I find those?”
“You can ask Jackson or Amanda for their copies, but someone in records should be able to get it for you. Trisha Barnette, she works in that department. Tell her that I said you needed to look them over, and she’ll have them out in no time.”
But it doesn’t last long. That comment is enough to start turning me sour on him again. The only reason why Trisha Barnette would beeline a report like that for Kurt is if they’ve slept together.
It makes something bitter twist up in my chest, and my lips purse together.
I watch closely while Kurt moves through the room, but not because I’m trying to learn from him. It’s because Cara is right: he has a great ass. And a strong jaw. And soft hands.
And he stayed with me for almost a solid five nights while I was scared. He’s driving me home tomorrow. He’s… A lot more than I have been giving him credit for. But that all conflicts terribly with his player ways and my past experiences.