Page 33 of My Fated Orc Hero

Still nothing.

"Come on," I groan. "Fine, I still believe! I totally, one hundred percent believe!"

More nothing.

"Grrr," I huff. "How about... there's no place like home?" I click my heels together for good measure.


"I believe I can fly!" I sing softly, spreading my arms. "I believe I can touch the sky!"

At this point, I'm not sure if I'm laughing or crying. Probably both.

"Fuck!" I finally yell, kicking the wall in frustration. Pain shoots through my foot.

Language Zoe.

"Ow! Stupid magic tower!"

I slump against the wall, dejected.

Now what am I going to do.

I can’t stay. And apparently, I can’t leave.

But the answer comes quickly. Thokk was threatening to walk me to the border, so I will just go find it myself.

Standing up, I dust myself off. "Okay, new plan. If I can't magic my way out, I'll walk out.”

I peek out the tower door. The street looks clear. Taking a deep breath, I step out into the night once more.

"Just pick a direction and go, like when your lost in the woods." I tell myself. "You've got this."

I choose a path leading away from the town center, figuring that's my best bet for finding the edge of ... whatever this place is. Fablewood. As I walk, memories of the past few days flash through my mind. Thokk's gruff kindness. The wonder of discovering a hidden world. That first kiss that felt like coming home.

Real tears sting my eyes, not just the single one I let pass earlier, but I blink them back. "You're doing this for him," I remind myself. "He'll be better off without you causing trouble."

A twig snaps behind me and I whirl around, heart in my throat. Nothing there. Just shadows and trees.

Don’t start freaking out.

I press on, trying to focus on putting one foot in front of the other. But with every step, doubt gnaws at me. Am Ireallydoing the right thing? Will Thokk be okay? Will I ever see him again?

"Stop it," I scold myself out loud.

You made your choice.

And, hello, did you really even have one?

They don’t want you here.

Just then, as if in response to my voice, I hear a rustle in the nearby brush.

I realize with a sinking feeling that I have gone far from town now. What light there was has faded. Now only the faint moonlight casts shadows among the trees.

“Who’s there?”

As if in answer I hear a snarl. Then a growl.