This isn’t a grand adventure anymore. And obviously I was a naïve little girl for thinking it ever was in the first place. It’s not at all like the whimsical adventures Great Aunt Charlotte spun to my grandmother. This is real life - Thokk's life - and I'm putting him in danger just by being here.
I turn my head to look at him, memorizing the lines of his face in the dim moonlight. Even in sleep, there's a furrow between his brows. I am still in awe of him as I look at the silhouette of his short tusks.
Carefully, I ease myself out of bed, freezing when he stirs. But he just mumbles something unintelligible and rolls over. Quickly, I grab my clothes and little satchel and tiptoe to the door, pausing for one last look.
I breathe a sigh of relief, then immediately feel guilty. Here I am, sneaking away from the kindest, bravest, most incredible person - okay, orc - I've ever met.
"I'm so sorry," I whisper, fighting back tears. "But I have to do this."
With a deep breath, I sneak out the door and into the night.
It’s not hard to get passed the guards. They’re fast asleep.
The streets of Fablewood are eerily quiet. I stick to the shadows, my heart pounding with every little sound. Twice I have to duck behind barrels to avoid a few townspeople – or would it be “monsterfolk” I wonder.
"Come on, Zoe," I mutter to myself. "You've got this. Just find the clocktower and get out of here."
Hopefully it will be that easy.
Regardless, first I have to find it. Easier said than done. In the dark, all the quaint buildings start to look the same. I wander in circles for what feels like hours before I finally spot the tower's silhouette against the starry sky. That must be it.
"Yes!" I whisper-yell, pumping my fist as I draw near and am sure I’ve found it. But then I catch myself.
How can I be happy to be leaving Thokk. I am not.
Just then, a nearby shrub rustles and I freeze. After a tense moment, a rabbit hops out.
They have normal rabbits at least It is not six feet tall with dagger like teeth.
I let out a shaky laugh and murmur to myself.
Sometimes, when I get anxious and feel alone, it calms me just to hear own voice.
“Get it together, girl. You're jumping at bunnies."
Finally, with my courage up, I make my way to the tower, slipping inside. The room where I first appeared looks just as it was when I left it.
"Okay," I say, squaring my shoulders. "Time to go home."
You sure you really want to leave Zoe?
I have to.
For Thokk.
I close my eyes, remembering the words above the archway in the museum basement. A single tear rolls down my cheek.
Be strong Zoe.
"Enter all who still believe," I say firmly.
Nothing happens.
Oh right ... maybe ...
”Exit all who are done believing?”