Page 84 of First Comes Forever

“I’m sorry, go have your meeting. I’ll be okay.”

“Amani, wait,” he says urgently. “I love you, and I want to be part of every version of your life. So, baby or not, I’ll still be right here, okay? I’m sorry I’m saying all this over the phone but—”

“Thank you,” I interrupt, my smile taking over my entire face. I think it’s the first time I smiled since I arrived at my appointment. I knew Adam was falling in love with me. Just like I am with him. But hearing those words for the first time… It’s everything.

“Thank you?” he questions.

“Adam, I really needed that today. And I feel the same, but I’m going to wait until I see you tonight to say it back because saying I love you over the phone for the first time is eh—a little cheap.”

He grumbles on the other line. “Nice. Way to make me feel good about that.”

We both chuckle.

“Have a good meeting, summer guy.” There’s a firm knock on the door and I suck in a breath. “Gotta go,” I quickly say, then hang up.

Dr. Michel enters the room, a solemn look on his face full of pity. He doesn’t even need to say it. It’s clear…

Once chance down.

* * *


Chase and I linger silently in the empty meeting room at LMC Talent Agency. Everybody stood, shook hands, and smiled before they left. The studio is expecting a hefty return in their new superhero franchise and seeing Chase here sober and enthusiastic satisfied them all. He’s all set and ready to make them billions. That’s all they care about.

To my surprise, Chase sat back down after everyone left. He slumped in his seat, arms crossed as he stared out the window at the view of Hollywood. We drove separately, but no way I was going to leave my best friend like this.

I’ve been staring at the clock, knocking my thumb lightly against the extra-long glass meeting table, waiting for him to speak. But finally, when I can’t take it any longer, I break the silence. “The promo tour will be grueling, but the filming schedule is reasonable. Most of it is scheduled in the U.S., so you stay closer to home, which you wanted, right?” I ask Chase.

He looks at me out of the corner of his eye. “That was for Noa’s benefit. I guess it’s no longer necessary.”

“Are you thinking about her?” I ask.

“I’m always thinking about her.” Chase gestures to the empty table. “This whole deal, all the money, all the positive publicity, it’s all because of her. I want to thank her. I want to celebrate with her. But she asked me not to call.”

It’s been nearly two months since they broke up and my friend looks worse for wear. He’s not using drugs, women, or parties to numb the pain. He’s letting himself feel it all, and it’s showing.

“You can’t call her as a friend?”

“She thinks space will help her get over me faster.” Chase lets out a humorless laugh that sounds more like he’s choking. “How fucked up is that? She’s working so hard to forget me, and yet I’m going to think about her every day for the rest of my life.”

“So go get her, man,” I say, patting Chase on the back. “It’s been two months. The shock is over. I’m sure she’s missing you, too. You didn’t cheat on her. There’s nothing between you and Kayla. You’re just being a good dad. And Noa’s not faulting you for that. She just wants you to be the best version of yourself. That right there is a woman who loves you.”

He looks at me from the corner of his eyes. “And how do you know so much about what Noa thinks?”


Chase scoffs. “Yeah, I know who you call ‘baby,’ just so you know.”

“No, you don’t.”

Chase pivots in his chair, facing me and widening his eyes. “Uh, yeah. I do. Red hair, buggy green eyes, large breasts… Ring a bell?”

I clear my throat. “Nope.”

Chase rolls his eyes. “Amani Rhodes is your freaking screensaver. You’re not slick.”

Dammit.I forgot my screensaver is on a changing camera roll. I vaguely remember Amani and me taking a few selfies together. “Why are you looking at my phone?” I ask, trying to deflect.