Page 30 of War King's Treasure

Gavin listened to their banter as they followed him back out to the courtyard.

“I’m heading back to bed for the night. Wake me if there are any issues. I want our men on watch in there.” He nodded toward the dungeon. “I also want them on the gate. I want to know when both York and Buckingham’s father arrive.”

“Yes, my king,” Con and Cris both replied with a bow of their head.

As Gavin entered the keep and headed for the stairs, he found himself torn between hoping his wife was sleeping soundly and hoping she was awake, so he could tire her all over again. Now that he’d tasted her passion, it was a hunger he’d never sate. Nori was definitely a treasure that would enrich both king and kingdom. With the rate his seconds and warriors were succumbing to her beauty and charms, he had little doubt his people would love her.

He nodded to Alan as he entered the room, shutting the door quietly behind him. One glance at the bed showed him Nori still slept. He stripped to the skin and slid in beside her, tugging her warm body against his. She muttered in her sleep then rolled until she faced him, throwing an arm over his stomach and a leg over his thigh. She snuggled into him, whispering his name as she did, then settled back into sleep with a contented sigh. Nothing in his life had ever felt so perfect.

Chapter Thirteen

Nori woke alone again. She’d have to speak with Gavin about leaving their bed without waking her to say goodbye. She wanted his skin on hers, his lips pressed against hers. She blushed at the memory of all they’d done the evening before. Then she remembered her grandfather and Buckingham and that Rory’s father would be showing up soon. Feeling guilty for not thinking of any of that first, she jumped from bed and did a quick job of washing and dressing.

She was delighted to see Cris when she opened the door.

“You’re okay!”

Cris gave her a cocky grin. “Of course, my queen.”

“I was worried when Gavin said you rode off after Robert and those with him.”

“I assure you, I was never in any danger.”

“It feels like that’s what all of you are in. Constantly,” she murmured. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten why I was brought here in the first place.”

“Because you’re our queen,” Cris suggested.

“Because I was a pawn in a game between kings,” she replied. “One taken to prevent a war.”

“War Kings and their warriors don’t fear war,” Cris told her.

“I’m sure they don’t, but maybe those who love them do,” she offered, thinking of Rory and the baby she carried. Nori startled at the sudden thought that she might be pregnant at this point. If not, it was only a matter of time. The thought of losing Gavin the way her mother had lost her father was inconceivable.

“What are you thinking?” Cris asked, giving her a curious look.

“That War Kings and warriors think awful highly of themselves,” she fired back. “Why no one holds a candle to any of you, do they?”

Cris grinned. “I’m glad you realize that.”

“I realize you are as bad as my husband,” she countered but grinned back before turning and making her way down the hallway. “I plan to check on my grandfather before breaking my fast.”

Cris nodded then bowed at the shoulders. “After you, my queen.”

The soldiers outside the door moved out of the way when they approached. Cris knocked on the door once before pushing it open. Whatever he saw must have appeased him as he continued, pushing the door wide, so she could enter. A soldier was in the room with her grandfather and another man. She realized quickly the second man must be her grandfather’s private physician.

“How’s he doing?” she asked softly, taking in the sleeping form on the bed.

The physician glanced up then stood quickly when he saw her standing there. He bowed his head to her.

“He’s resting, m’lady. He managed to rip the stitches Lord Kingsley’s healer used to close the wounds. I’ve given him a tonic to help him sleep then redressed the injury to ward off any infection. His temperature has risen slightly. I’ll keep a close eye on him until he’s out of the woods.”

“A temperature?” She knew how bad that could be. “How did he rip his stitches?”

“I understand he left this room last night to speak with your husband and obtain information on the man responsible for him lying here.”

Her gaze went to his face. “You know who I am?”

His smile was soft, kind. “You look like your mother, Queen Montrose.”