“Wait! What are you doing? Wait!” the male screamed as Gavin drew his dagger then made quick work of removing the offending fingers from the hand splayed before him.
“I didn’t hit her! Oh, gods! My fingers! My fingers!”
“Release him,” Gavin ordered then watched as the male fell from the chair to his knees, hand clasped close to his chest while he vomited on the floor. One of the warriors dragged him through it before tossing him into the opened cell door. “Bring Buckingham to me.”
“Stop.” The word was panted from behind Gavin, and he turned to see Phillip standing there. The male looked as if he might pass out at any moment.
“Why are you here?” Gavin demanded.
“Because I knew you would try to claim his life yourself when he’s mine to deal with.” Phillip remained on his feet only due to the soldiers on either side of him.
“He’s mine,” Gavin growled.
“No, I bear the wound from their actions. I’ll be the one collecting justice. For myself and my kingdom.”
“His blood is mine,” Gavin challenged.
“If you think I’ll go easy on him because I entrusted my granddaughter to his family, then you’re wrong. Buckingham will die. Publicly.”
“Fine,” Gavin conceded. “Then let me be the hand of justice.”
Phillip opened his mouth then closed it. Hell, the man was losing what little color he’d had when he’d entered. It couldn’t be good for him to be up and about with his injury.
“What do you have in mind?” Phillip finally asked.
“A fight to the death,” Gavin said.
Phillip grunted. “A fight to defeat, not death. He’ll face the gallows after facing you. I want his head on a pike to warn any others who might think to challenge me.”
“To the death, but I’ll happily remove his head from his shoulders for you,” Gavin offered.
“Give me a few days to recover,” Phillip requested. “Allow for my commander’s arrival and that of Buckingham’s father. He’ll witness his son’s fate. Give me that.”
Gavin would have challenged, but Phillip sagged, sweat dotting his brow. Nori wouldn’t be happy if something happened to her grandfather while Gavin was in a position to prevent it. Instead, he clenched his jaw when Buckingham was yanked forward.
“Toss him back inside,” Gavin snarled, knowing if he got his hands on the other male now, he wouldn’t stop until Buckingham was dead. He turned back toward Phillip. “Get your king back to his bed. Fetch the healer to make sure he hasn’t undone any of her work.”
“I’ve already sent for my personal physician,” Phillip said. “I’ll be fine until he arrives. Why don’t you walk back up with me.”
“I gave you my word,” Gavin barked. “Buckingham will remain here until you’re ready for your spectacle. Just remember who will be the one to spill his blood.”
Phillip didn’t comment, but he motioned for his soldiers to release him. The fool took a steadying breath then moved out of the room under his own power. Maybe, he was tougher than he seemed. Either way, Gavin knew he needed to make some kind of peace with the other man for Nori’s sake. He wouldn’t cause her distress by constantly being at odds with her grandfather, and he refused to disappear whenever the other man was around.
He turned to Cris and Con. “You, go wash up. Nori will expect to see you when she wakes, and I’d rather you not be covered in blood.”
Cris smiled. “She was worried about me, wasn’t she?”
“Shut up,” Gavin ordered, making both of his seconds laugh. “I’ve decided to make Alan her permanent guard anyway.”
“What?” Cris’ smile disappeared. “It should be either Con or me with her if you’re not around.”
“It will, but on the occasions when it’s not possible, she’ll have Alan. It’s better if she gets accustomed to him. I need her to trust whoever is with her. Between the three of us, we’ll come up with four others to join him, but we’ll rotate until she’s met every warrior under my command. It’s important she learn their names and faces.”
Cris sighed but nodded.
“Afraid you won’t be her favorite, brother?” Con taunted.
“Our queen will always favor me to you,” Cris threw back.