“Men live and die by the choices they make,” Cris said. “You control only yourself. Buckingham is responsible for his choices and what those have led to.”
She nodded. “How will it go today?”
“The people will form a circle that King Montrose and Buckingham will be inside. They will fight. Usually, it is to the death, but this time, it will be until Buckingham is defeated. Afterward he will be led to the stage they’ve constructed, and your grandfather will pass judgment over him. Then he will die.” Cris paused for a moment, gaze running over the crowd. “There’s no need for you to bear witness, my queen. No one expects that of you.”
“I’ll stay.”
“As you wish, my queen.”
She stood, Cris at her side as the noise grew. There was an energy in the air. Fear, excitement, and others she couldn’t put her finger on. She’d started the morning in Gavin’s arms. He’d made love to her before they’d both dressed and headed below. He’d left her with Cris while he and Con had disappeared to make sure everything was ready. She’d purposely ignored her grandfather, who was doing better physically, at least. Then she’d avoided the baron, not wanting another confrontation before he watched his son die.
At some point, Rory took her position at her side, her hand sliding into Nori’s. Jo stood at her other side. Serena and Genevieve joined them.
“We stand together,” Genevieve stated when her grandfather came to shoo them back inside.
“You should all be inside the keep,” Lord Kingsley groused. “This is no place for a woman.”
“Maybe not,” Nori conceded. “But it is for a queen, and I’ll watch until my husband leaves the circle.”
Everything grew quiet when Robert Buckingham was led out. He was pushed into the ring of warriors and soldiers, then the ties on his hands were cut free.
“What is the meaning of this?” Robert bellowed, glancing around. Perhaps searching for a friendly face, but those who’d left with him were all gone. Killed by her grandfather’s men.
“Today, you’ll face justice, boy,” Phillip called.
“Swords, daggers, or fists?” Gavin asked, rolling his head from side to side.
“Justice? For what? I did nothing that would warrant any form of justice,” Robert argued. His gaze finally found the baron and relief filled his face. “Father. I’m glad you’re here. I’m sure you can put a stop to all this.”
The baron looked haggard as if he hadn’t slept a wink all night. Nori doubted if he had. She remembered the grief he’d expressed when Justin had been killed. She wondered if he’d feel the same for Robert.
“You’ve committed treason,” Baron Buckingham snapped.
“No.” Robert shook his head. “I did nothing. I was leaving as I’d been told, heading home to speak with you. I didn’t even realize our king had been shot until I was attacked and dragged back here by those heathen warriors from the Dread Lands.”
“You would attempt to tell lies to save yourself?” Phillip asked.
“You would kill the man you pledged your granddaughter to?” Robert fired back.
“Eleanor was never pledged to you,” the baron called out after a warning glance from Phillip. “She was betrothed to your brother. That alliance ended with his death. She was never meant for you.”
“Liar!” Robert roared. “You told me she’d be mine. You promised.”
His father shook his head, but it was Gavin who answered as he stepped through the crowd into the circle.
“It matters little now,” Gavin said. “Queen Montrose is my wife.”
“A marriage that hasn’t even been consummated yet.”
Gavin laughed, and Nori felt herself blush at that look on her husband’s face. Any who looked between them would know that their vows were true. Consummation had occurred.
“I’ve told you my wife and marriage are none of your business. You made a grave mistake when you threatened her, Buckingham. Another one when you talked your men into believing she’d betrayed their king. You might not have fired the weapon, but your words were the push to see it done.”
“I said nothing!” Robert argued.
“Your men stated otherwise,” Gavin said.
“Tortured men will say anything.”