Page 34 of War King's Treasure

She nodded. “Yes. I’m sure our child would love to know his grandfather.”

More tears spilled down York’s cheeks as he nodded. “I’d like that.” He raised his gaze to Jamie’s. “I’d like to offer my services. I’m good with my sword, better with my dagger, but best when it comes to strategy.”

“I won’t relieve you from duty so quickly, York,” Phillip warned.

“My fealty was gone the moment I learned of your actions. My men and I won’t be returning. We’ll head to the Dread Lands if my daughter’s husband will have us.”

“Maybe, we should take this discussion below,” Theo suggested.

“York, we need to speak,” Phillip called.

“You need to rest,” Nori told her grandfather, though she didn’t make a move to step away from Gavin’s arms.

“We have nothing further to discuss,” York replied. “If someone will direct me where we should set up camp, I’ll go see to my men.”

“Your men can camp with mine,” Jamie offered with a glance down at Rory. “I’ll show you as soon as I see my wife is napping as she should be.”

“I’m not napping,” Rory argued. “I’m pregnant not ill. I’ll walk with you. This babe and I need fresh air.”

Jamie gave in with a sigh, and Gavin watched the change in York’s expression. It was obvious he was still questioning the love between the War King and the daughter he’d yet to really discover.

“We’ll walk with you,” Jamie relented.

Rory smiled then surprised them all by reaching for York’s hand. “Come. Tell me how you met my mother.”

York looked lost for a moment. “Anne was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen,” he began, taking her hand and letting her lead him from the room, Jamie mere steps behind them.

“He won’t be leaving me,” Phillip groused from the bed. “Mark my words, he’ll—”

“Enough,” Nori whispered with a shake of her head. “You’ll let him and his men go because it’s the right thing to do. The only thing to do. Because I’m asking it of you. You’ve done enough damage, grandfather. Now, it’s time to work on amends.” She turned to Gavin. “Take me out of here.”

Theo followed them out but parted ways once in the hallway. Theo headed down the stairs in search of his wife while Gavin led Nori back toward their bedroom. He waited until they were alone in their room before asking, “What do you need?”

“Hold me,” Nori asked, wrapping her arms around him and squeezing herself tightly against him. “I just need you to hold me.”

“Always,” he vowed. “You’re not alone anymore.”

“I know,” she whispered. “I’m so glad I have you.”

He stopped questioning what he felt at that moment. He knew he was in love with his wife.

Chapter Fifteen

Nori breathed in the early morning air. Her emotions were all over the place. A man would die today because he’d lifted his hand against her. She wasn’t to blame. Robert’s actions weren’t hers. They were his and his alone.

For a moment, she’d been afraid when his father had arrived that the man who’d agreed to rear her might join his son. He’d blustered and yelled, raising hell as he tried to save his remaining son. When he’d turned his vitriol toward her, she’d feared Gavin might kill him. Then she’d feared her grandfather would. Either way, it didn’t matter. Robert Buckingham would die today. By Gavin’s hand.

“Are you okay?” Cris asked as he joined Nori.

“I’m good.” She glanced over the courtyard, watching as more and more people filled the space around where Gavin and Robert were to fight.

“You know there’s no need to worry,” Cris assured her. “Your king has nothing to fear.”

“I know Gavin will win,” she admitted.

“But?” Cris asked when she stopped. “What is it you fear, my queen?”

“Is all this because of me? Did I bring this on?”