Page 31 of War King's Treasure

“You knew my mother?”

“I have been your grandfather’s physician for a long time. I knew many people in his family. Rosamund was the light of his life. She was as kind and beautiful as her mother. You look remarkably like her,” he offered. “Now then, you should head below to break your fast. There’s nothing you can do here. I’ll keep watch and make sure you’re kept informed.”

She moved to the bed, not acknowledging the man’s words. Instead, she sat beside her grandfather, taking his limp hand in hers as she leaned close to place a kiss on his brow. He was warm to the touch but thankfully not burning.

“I’ll have those stories from you,” she whispered to him. “Rest. I’ll be back to check on you soon.” She glanced over at the physician, who nodded at her words.

She rose then glanced down at her grandfather for a long moment.

“Don’t let him die.”

The physician swallowed, his glance going behind her to where Cris stood.

“I’ll do everything in my power to see that our king survives,” he promised.

“Your king,” she replied without thought. “My grandfather.”

“My queen.” Cris pulled her attention then nodded at the door. They were halfway down the hall before she spoke again.

“Why did he leave his room when he was recovering from an arrow wound?” She shook her head before Cris could answer. “To make sure my husband didn’t kill Robert. Why? He can’t possibly want to pardon the man responsible for putting an arrow through him.”

“He wants justice to be his and knew my king would want the same. They came to an agreement, and King Montrose sent your grandfather back to his room with firm orders to stay put until he was healed enough to be about,” Cris told her.

“What agreement?” Nori asked, not sure if Cris would answer her or not.

“Buckingham will face our king in battle. Normally, it is a fight to the death, but Phillip wants Buckingham to die…” He paused, clearing his throat. “In the manner befitting treason to the crown.”

“Decapitation,” she murmured, knowing what the price of betraying king and country entailed. “Gavin will grant my grandfather’s wish as long as he’s the one wielding justice.”

“Yes, my queen,” Cris confirmed.

She nodded, not saying another word as they made their way to the great room below and the head table where Rory sat with Marcus and Genevieve, Lord Kingsley, Serena, and Jo. She wasn’t sure where the others were and didn’t ask. Gavin would be putting things in place for Robert’s execution, which is what it would be. He wouldn’t stand a chance against a man of Gavin’s strength and cunning. She should feel something for Robert since she’d been a part of his household since she was an infant. Maybe, if he’d ever treated her with kindness, she’d feel some remorse for what was coming. He hadn’t, and so she didn’t. She was glad Justin wasn’t alive to see what had come of his brother, though.

“Queen Montrose,” Lord Kingsley greeted her, waving his hand toward a server nearby. “It’s lovely to see you this morning. I hope you slept well.”

She kept her gaze down as she thought of all the things she and Gavin had done before she’d drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep.

“Very well,” she agreed as she took a seat beside Rory.

Rory immediately grabbed her hand and squeezed it as she leaned in. “Are you okay?”

Nori nodded. “You?”

Rory shrugged, but Nori noted the lost look in the other woman’s gaze.

“He hasn’t arrived yet,” Rory told her. “Jamie went to meet him. Serena’s father and Geoffrey went with him.”

“Is that a good idea?” Nori couldn’t help asking. War King Jamie Drake wasn’t known for his ability to put people at ease. Plus, he was fiercely protective of his wife. If he thought Rory’s father was unworthy of even meeting her, there was no telling what he’d do.

“Geoffrey and my father are with him,” Serena offered. “It will be fine.”

“It helps that Rory’s father never knew Rory’s mother was pregnant or even where she was sent. Apparently, Phillip told him she’d been given in a political marriage,” Jo told her.

“How do you know that?” Nori wanted to know.

“Your grandfather’s physician,” Genevieve shared. “He took one look at Rory when he arrived this morning and knew exactly who she was.”

“He cried,” Jo added.