The lights automatically dimmed then faded out. I assumed they were on a timer the same as they were in my room, the one I’d been headed to when Webb and Tor had taken me. I curled down into the bed, wrapping myself in the sheet and closing my eyes. The scents of Tor and Webb surrounded me, reminding me whose bed I was in, naked. My mind rolled with Webb’s words. It was sure to be a long night.
* * * *
I woke with a start, sitting up in bed, covers clutched to my chest. My heart galloped, and I had no idea why. Some nightmare must have haunted my sleep, but any remnants of it had already faded. I automatically turned to grab my handheld, blinking a few times when it wasn’t where I’d expected. Then again, nothing was. Even me.
Reality clicked into place, and I remembered the evening before. I had no idea what time it was or how far from my former home I was now. Worse, I had no idea where Webb and Tor were or what to expect next. More seduction? Or blame? One, I craved. The other, I deserved.
I slipped out of bed and looked around. My bag lay by the door, but I saw a shirt thrown over a chair beside the bed. I picked it up and held it to my nose. Tor. It smelled of him, and I pulled it over my head. It fell to my knees, covering me but not providing the warmth I craved.
I wanted nothing more than to have Emma or Soph close by to talk with. I was no less of a mess now than I’d been when I’d fallen into exhausted slumber.
I’d left my tablet out in the seating area by the main entrance to the shuttle. A glance around told me they hadn’t come back in with it, so I planned to slip out and back before either of them was aware I’d left this room. Hopefully, I wouldn’t set off any alarms I wasn’t aware of. Shuttles weren’t my forte, so I had no idea what protocols were in place here.
I didn’t remember what Webb had said about locking me in until I reached the door. Fortunately, he’d either bluffed or changed his mind. At my touch, it slid open soundlessly. I peeked around the doorframe and found the hallway clear. I crept out on tiptoe, pausing before passing each doorway, ears attuned for any sound.
I made it all the way to the entrance without incident, but my luck failed on the way back. Webb’s voice stopped me in my tracks.
“What the hell are you doing?”
My breath seized in my lungs, and I was close to passing out when Tor answered and I realized Webb wasn’t speaking to me.
“I’m tired. We left Mandy in our bed alone hours ago. I’m going to bed.”
“I’m not sleeping in the fucking training room when we have a perfectly good bed.” Webb’s displeasure was loud and clear through the door they were behind. I guessed it was the training room he wasn’t keen on staying in.
“Then maybe you should have kept your fucking mouth shut,” Tor thundered. “Then we could have been in there with her, probably fucking for the third time.”
I heard Webb snort. “I don’t think she could handle us that many times. It was easy to see she’s not that experienced. Plus, when the head of my cock nudged her opening… I’d swear she was a virgin.”
“Inexperienced, I’ll give you,” Tor said. “But I doubt she’s a virgin. Besides, it’s a moot point now, isn’t it? Not like you didn’t blow any chance we had with her.”
“By stating the truth? So be it. If she can’t handle a few Enforcers calling her out on her analysis for this program, what’s she going to do when we reach our destination and she meets more of us who were denied based on her words?”
I opened my mouth then slammed it shut before I spoke and outed my presence in the hallway. I thought they were taking me to see the Liege Commander. Where exactly was I headed? And how many of these Enforcers would I see?
“Just don’t spew that shit around her. We’ve got a bit of a journey. Plenty of time for you to make amends with her.”
“So you can get your dick wet in some pussy for a change?” Webb jeered, and I almost gasped aloud, slapping my hand over my mouth just in time.
“Like you’re not wishing you were still between her thighs,” Tor said. “And stop being so fucking vulgar. I know what you’re doing.”
“Whatever,” Webb muttered.
“You’re not alone anymore,” Tor said softly, his words barely carrying through the door. “You’ve got me, and I’m not going anywhere.”
“Come here.”
I heard their bodies meet and the soft pant of breath, followed by a slow moan. I felt more like a voyeur in that moment than I had before. Even worse, I longed to be on the other side with them. Part of me was furious over their blatant conversation about me and my virginity. Part of me was nervous over our true mission and what I was heading into. But another part of me was lonely, and more than anything, I wanted someone to give me the words Tor had just given to Webb.