Chapter Four
I might have passed out for a few seconds, but I came screaming back when Webb surged over me, his swollen cock nudging my opening. A trickle of doubt found its way inside my head. Suddenly, hymen or no hymen, I wasn’t so sure there wouldn’t be pain my first time.
“You can take him,” Tor assured me then reached down between my legs. I couldn’t see everything, but I felt him grasp Webb’s cock, saw the pleasure on Webb’s face. Tor ran the head along my slit, coating it with my need, then he bent down, and I caught my breath as he ran his tongue over Webb and me.
“Fuck, that feels good,” Webb stated with a grunt and caught Tor by the back of the neck on his way up, pulling him in and kissing him.
Webb pressed in so the head of his cock pushed past my opening and lodged there. I gasped at the sensations. My body already struggled to accommodate his size, and he wasn’t even all the way inside yet. Maybe, I should just watch the two of them and get off vicariously.
Tor pulled away from Webb with a chuckle. “You can watch, baby, but you’ll be a part of it.”
Shit! I had a really bad habit of saying things aloud when I thought them. It was something Soph and Emma did on occasion, as well, though they were better at holding in comments.
“I didn’t know you two were lovers,” I blurted, not sure if I was trying to prolong the moment before Webb surged inside me or if curiosity had gotten the best of me.
“What do you think happens when you spend every moment of your life with one person?” Tor asked. “We’re not allowed to form attachments to anyone but each other.”
“Then when you think you have a chance to change that, someone who doesn’t know anything about you snatches it away with a few words on a data tablet,” Webb said.
My breath caught again, but there was no pleasure behind it this time. I jerked away from Webb, scooting back until I hit the headboard. I’d forgotten. How could I have forgotten I’d proclaimed these two unsuitable for the Alpha Enforcer Squad program? It was obvious they hadn’t. Was that what this was? A way to teach me a lesson? To show me what they could have brought to another woman if I’d just given them the chance?
I felt dirty and worse, between my legs, I throbbed with unfulfilled need. I blinked to keep the tears from spilling over my eyelids. I was way out of my league here. I didn’t know how to shut off my emotions and let his words not matter.
“Fuck!” Webb muttered and pulled away, heading toward the cleansing unit.
“Mandy,” Tor began, but I shook my head. I didn’t want to hear any excuse he might make. Webb was right. I’d decided their fate and the fates of countless other Enforcers without really knowing any of them. What gave me the right to judge them? For the first time in my life, I hated my job, or at least the analysis aspect of it.
“I’d like a blanket, please.” I forced the words past a tight throat.
“Fuck that,” Tor growled out. “Take the bed.”
I shook my head, glancing on the spot where Webb had been sprawled between my thighs. I couldn’t stay here. Not now. Not with what hung in the air between us.
“I want a blanket,” I whispered, and the first tear fell.
“Shit,” Tor growled, reaching out to brush the tear from my cheek. “Don’t cry, sweetheart. Webb’s just an asshole.”
“He’s right. I don’t know anything about you other than what I’ve read in the reports I was given.”
“I saw those reports. Anyone would have said we weren’t fit for the program.”
I wiped my cheeks and pulled the slick sheet up to cover me, not feeling so comfortable in my nudity anymore. I wasn’t sure what to say. There was no excuse I could make. I’d analyzed the material I’d been given and made a call based on it. They weren’t the only ones I’d judged unsuitable for the program. But Webb was right. I’d made all the calls based on data written by others and none based on my own judgment since I’d met none of the candidates.
“Here’s something you should know about Webb and me. We’ve been together for the last ten years, and yeah, we’ve formed a close bond. Hell, all we’ve had is each other. I know you work in intelligence. I’m sure you know about the Fifth Quadrant, but…” He stopped and shook his head, flexing and rolling his shoulders. “You can’t really know it until you go there and see if firsthand. Experience it. The violence. The drugs. The forced…” He glanced up at me. “Sex. It’s not pretty. People die. Webb and I go into places others won’t. But it’s not because we have a death wish. It’s because we’ve seen firsthand the hell the women taken to the Fifth live in. The women are kidnapped then drugged just so they won’t put up much of a fight when they’re taken. We’ve seen their broken, lifeless bodies cast out like trash. And we’ve done everything we can to get them out before that happens.”
“You’ve saved a lot of people,” I murmured, remembering all I’d read about them.
“Not enough,” he muttered. “Not nearly enough.”
“I’m sorry, Tor.”
I saw such anguish on his face. It broke my heart. This was something that hadn’t been in any of the reports. They’d been the cold hard facts, painting a picture of two reckless Enforcers who acted more like machines than men. I suddenly realized there was so much more to them.
He waved off my apology. “You did your job. The same way Webb and I do every day.” He bent and grabbed his and Webb’s uniforms from the floor, holding them loosely in front of him when he looked at me again. “Take the bed, Mandy. We’ll leave you alone tonight.” He turned and put his palm on the door Webb had closed behind him. He tossed clothing inside then turned toward the door that led to the main corridor of the ship. “She gets the bed. We’ll sleep elsewhere tonight.”
Web stepped out, his uniform clutched in one big fist at his side. He took two steps toward me, pausing at the side of the bed. He glanced down at me, and for a moment, I got the impression he wanted to reach out and touch me. I almost lifted toward him, seeking that touch, which made absolutely no sense and fortunately didn’t last. He moved away, the door shutting behind him, and I was too exhausted to see if I was locked in.
My first plan for the morning would be to determine their ship’s dialogue code, so I could contact the Liege Commander. I wasn’t so sure I could remain with Webb and Tor. We’d been together mere hours, and I’d bounced through surprise, anger, annoyance, resolve, lust, shock, hurt, and even a touch of mortification. Exhaustion didn’t begin to cover my current state of mind. I was the intellectual one, not the emotional one. Never the emotional one. What the hell was happening to me?