Page 9 of Ruthless Touch

The music changes to something far darker and the lights around the ballroom dim, alerting me to what’s coming next. As usual, Cordelia’s parties only get more sensual as the night goes on.

“I’m not. Now come over here and stand in front of me.”

Her expression filled with defiance, she tilts her chin up and levels her gaze on me. “What? Why?”

Leaning in next to her ear, I whisper, “I told you that you must obey me tonight. Do as I say. Stand in front of me and don’t say a word.”

Defiance morphs into fear that fills every inch of her beautiful face. “Gideon, why? And don’t say because I told you to.”

Sure if I don’t get her in place in the next few seconds that the rules of the party will mean she ends up with someone else, I pull her in front of me and whisper in her ear, “Cordelia has a ritual she likes to do for her parties. Nude women with painted bodies come first, followed by the male guests walking around the room choosing any female who speaks to have sex with them on that dais in the middle of the room. Now stand completely still and silent until I tell you otherwise.”

For once, Aria obeys me and stands in front of me, as still as those women nearby pretending to be marble statues. But since she’s who she is, she can’t stop herself from talking, which is the singular thing that’s going to get her onto the stage in the middle of the room with a man fucking her for all to see.

“So you don’t want to see me with some stranger?” she asks as a man stops not five feet away and takes a good long look at her.

I slide my hand around her throat and lean my body in against her back. “No. Now no more talking or that man right there is going to expect to have you all for his own tonight.”

A man I assume may be around twenty-five stops in front of her, and it’s clear he wants her. Rubbing his hand over his cock, he’s hard and ready to take her to the center of the room and fuck her. His gaze rolls over her body as he smiles and licks his lips as possessiveness fills me at the sight of him. She isn’t for the taking, but the rules are the rules, and if Aria speaks a single syllable, he can have her.

My hand stays around her neck, but now I step closer to her so my entire body presses against hers and slide my arm around her waist to make sure whoever this man is that he knows she’s not available. I’m as hard as a rock, my cock nudging her ass as everything around us falls away until it’s just Aria, this man who wants her, and me.

I hold my breath while I silently say what I’ve wanted to for weeks. She’s mine. Only I can have her. Only I can give her what she needs.

Aria’s breasts rise and fall as she begins to breathe heavier, and the man takes a step closer to her. His eyes open wide, and he licks his lips again.

Not a single word or you’ll be his, Aria. For once, do as I say so I can keep my promise.

She angles her body so her head is nearly resting against my shoulder, a clear sign she doesn’t want this man. It won’t matter if she can’t keep her mouth shut, though, so with every second that ticks by, I silently pray she’ll obey me for once.

Finally, he gives up and walks on to the next woman nearby. Aria’s body slumps in relief, and she turns to look at me as if to say thank you, her eyes filled with gratitude.

I smile and in her ear whisper, “You don’t have to worry. I would never let anyone touch you. You did well, Aria.”

When all the men have their partners, the orgy that always happens at Cordelia’s parties begins in the center of the room. We watch as bodies writhe against one another and moans fill the ballroom. There’s nothing like seeing strangers fucking, and Aria’s reaction tells me she’s never experienced anything like this.

Her eyes wide, she looks back at me. Assuming she can talk now since all the men are occupied, she says, “I bet you’re used to this, but this isn’t something I see every day.”

“It’s just one part of the world I live in. And here you thought I was all work and no play,” I say with a chuckle.

She doesn’t respond, choosing to turn around and watch the sensual scene of people fucking in front of us instead. I let my hands fall from her body since the danger is over, giving her a tiny bit of freedom, but she searches for them and reaches back to take hold of my hand. Pulling my arm around her, she sets my palm against her stomach and lets out a sigh.



I’ve never seen an orgy. By the way Gideon seems utterly blasé about the whole scene playing out in front of us, he’s clearly experienced this before. I can’t help but wonder if he’s ever been one of the men up there on that stage fucking some beautiful stranger.

My gut reaction is no, he hasn’t. He’s had me sleeping in his bed for weeks without touching me, and tonight is the first time he’s ever shown me any hint of his attraction to me. I can’t imagine him on display in front of all these people like that.

The feel of his hard cock pushing against my satin dress makes it difficult to stand here and pretend I’m shocked or appalled by what I’m seeing. All I can think about is how much I want to be back in his penthouse with him buried inside me.

As the orgy continues, the painted women meant to look like marble statues begin to walk around the room just as the men had a short while ago. Are they going to choose a woman now, or will they be taking a man?

“Do I have to stay silent for them?” I ask Gideon.

He shakes his head and smiles. “No. They’re choosing men to grow the orgy on stage.”

“So now you have to be quiet?”