Again he shakes his head. “No.”
“But what if one wants you?” I ask, instantly unhappy with that idea.
Gideon gently pulls me back against him, and I feel his cock again. It excites me even as I worry he might go with someone else.
“You get to decide that. If one of them stop in front of you, it’s your choice if she can have me or not.”
By the look of utter happiness on his face, I assume he’d be perfectly fine if I handed him over to some gorgeous model painted up to look like a marble statue. Jealousy surges through me at the mere thought of it.
After three weeks of waiting, there’s no way one of these statue girls can have Gideon. Go find another guy, ladies. This one’s mine.
“Well, sorry, but you don’t get one of them tonight. Maybe at the next orgy your date there will be okay with it.”
That gets me a genuine smile that makes him even more gorgeous, if that’s even possible. “Whatever you wish, Aria. It’s your choice.”
Angry he’s so fine with the possibility of me handing him off to some beautiful woman, I grumble, “Maybe I should. I bet everyone on the coast would love to see the upright businessman who runs the Villa Aurelia buck naked and fucking someone for all to enjoy.”
I spin around and stare straight ahead, so full of jealousy at the thought of him doing what I just said that I can barely see straight. When he slides his hand around my throat, my eyes flutter closed as feelings of need course through me.
In a low voice, he whispers in my ear, “I will do as you insist, but I don’t want any of these women, Aria.”
I don’t ask it, but all I want to know is, does he even want me?
One of the marble statues stops in front of us and smiles up at him, completely ignoring me, the person who gets to say if he can go with her or not. So much for following the rules. Or maybe there are no rules when it comes to this part of the night.
With a shake of my head, I let the beautiful blond statue woman with big boobs and a tiny waist know she can’t have Gideon. She gives him a tiny pout and goes on her way to the next couple standing near us. He’s bald and looks like he wants to jump over his woman to get to the statue girl.
“Thank you, Aria. I prefer to watch the events at parties like this,” Gideon says sweetly in my ear.
Again, I don’t say anything, but I think to myself that I’ve endured far too many nights wanting him to simply hand him over to some stranger so he can fuck her. If he’s having sex tonight, it’s going to be with me.
I feel Gideon’s hands leave my body, instantly missing his touch. Looking back to see why he let me go, I notice Sasha approaching. My mood changes in a flash, and it’s like my arousal disappears the moment she takes her place next to him.
Dressed in a red dress that shows off great legs and leaves little to the imagination, she looks like she belongs here. Unlike me. Sasha has probably taken part in the orgies here at the hotel. She’s probably participated with Gideon. On most days, she’s as cold as a real marble statue, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she was one of those painted girls here tonight.
That thought makes my mood sour, and I step away from them before jealousy overwhelms me. Why the hell is she always around? Even better, why does he like having her around so much?
“You look stunning, Aria,” Sasha says, sounding genuine. “That dress steals the show here tonight.”
Begrudgingly, I give her a smile and reply with a compliment of my own for her dress. “You look great too. You fit in perfectly here.”
Both she and Gideon turn their heads to stare at me. Good. I hope you both understood clearly I’m not happy she’s here. Maybe now she can leave, and Gideon and I can go back to enjoying our time together.
As I seethe my unhappiness at our twosome becoming a threesome, Sasha begins to chatter on about some issue happening outside the ballroom. The entire time she’s talking, her hand drifts along Gideon’s tux jacket lapel and then his shoulder, like she’s grooming him. It’s intimate and unnerving, yet he doesn’t flinch for a second as she touches him.
If anything, he looks pleased to have her there straightening his jacket and brushing a piece of dust off him. While they talk about how to handle whatever the issue is, it’s as if they’re the couple here tonight, not Gideon and me.
I watch them and can’t help but wonder if that’s why he hasn’t done anything with me in the entire time I’ve been here at the hotel. Is it that he’s in love with her? If so, then why aren’t they together?
Or have I simply been too blind or stupid to see they are already?
Finally, he remembers I’m there and turns to speak to me as Sasha leaves. “Aria, I need to deal with something outside the party. I’ll be right back. Don’t do anything stupid, or I will send you back up to the penthouse. Understand?”
Sasha gets smiles and gratitude for running her hands all over him. I get threats if I’m not a good girl.
“Fine. Enjoy your little time with Sasha. Maybe next time you should bring her instead and just leave me upstairs. That seems to be where I belong.”
I spin on my heel and turn my back to him before he can say a word, but I see in his eyes and his frown that he’s unhappy at what I said. Good. That makes two of us who aren’t having a good time.