“Unexplainable?” I ask.
“Yes,” Brinley says with the cutest little smirk, her cheeks start to pinken and it goes straight to my cock.
“Did you think I was gonna let you leave?” I ask her in a teasing tone, but not joking in the slightest. There isn’t a fucking chance on Earth she’ll ever be sleeping in a bed other than mine again.
Brinley gets up and makes her way over to me, her warm body presses against my back as she wraps her arms around my naked torso. She stays like this for a beat before she speaks while I finish making our dinner.
“I want to know it all or I won’t stay,” she says simply then kisses my back. “And I don’t mean physically, because I know if you want to keep me here, you will.” She kisses me again. “I mean this, us, how we’ve become, how we’ve grown. If I don’t know it all, I won’t trust you and if I don’t trust you, we won’t be us.”
I turn and face her, wrapping my arms around her, I kiss her sweet lips, her jasmine scent filling my senses.
I sigh. “There are things I’m programmed to keep from you, to protect you.”
“I don’t need protection. I know both versions of you. I know the man you are and I know the man you have to be. I want every part… the same way you do,” Brinley says with a true boldness I haven’t seen in her before. She’s embraced her place beside me in this life. Not only has she embraced it, she seems like she will take it with pride and flourish in it.
“Tonight, Jake and I are getting the tools we need to take out the DOS clubhouse. Explosives.”
“Why are you doing that?”
“It’s a matter of principle. It’s where Gator had his way with Mason’s sister, it’s personal to him to get rid of it, plus it’s a total shit hole.” She looks up expectantly, knowing I’m not telling her everything. “And then we’re gonna take out their president, Marco Foxx.”
Brinley looks into my eyes. “For threatening me?” she asks.
“Yes, but also for threatening all of us. And for letting Gator assault who knows how many other young girls there. He’s poisonous. The building is poisonous. Once it’s done, we’ll patch over the rest of the club. DOS doesn’t have chapters like we do—they’re small time, relatively speaking. Their closest chapter is in Texas. They aren’t coming all the way down here to fight if we patch over twenty members, they’ll probably be glad we took them off their hands.”
“When will you be back?”
“We meet the explosives dealer at nine, I’ll be back here long before midnight.”
“Is it that simple?”
“Normally, not really. But this time, we’ve planned this right. Jake and I are going alone. We’ll be fast, we’ll get it done.”
Brinley thinks for a minute.
“Just you and Jake alone? That doesn’t worry you?” she asks, pulling her plush bottom lip between her teeth.
I chuckle. “It’s the way we do things. It’s Jake's contact, but we take the risk together. Taking anymore guys would draw too much unwanted attention.”
“Okay… and then after all this, things will settle down?”
I kiss her lips and push her dark hair from her forehead, tucking it behind her ear. “Yeah, I hope so.”
Brinley nods like I just told her about a business acquisition. Like I didn’t just tell her my plan to destroy property and kill someone, while making her dinner.
“Once it’s done, I’m looking for my own design space. I want something of my own. I don’t have any illusions about you or this life. This is who you are, and I won’t try to change that. If I sell the house, I’ll have my own money to play with to find a spot. I know downtown has some vacancies.”
“I may know of some,” I say, thinking of the buildings the club owns.
“I don’t need you to handle this for me,” she says then grins.
I kiss her.
“I’ve never… cared for anyone other than myself,” I tell her truthfully. “This is foreign to me, but I want to keep club life and my private life separate. As separate as I can.”
Brinley nods. “I respect that, but you will tell me what I want to know,” she adds with a matter of fact tone.
I can’t believe this woman has this kind of power over me. I’d tell her anything if it kept her here, warm against me every night.