Should I be scared to tie myself to him? To tie myself to his world? Maybe, but I’m not. The only thing that scares me is what will happen to me if I ever lose him.
All set brother. 9pm, St. Henry.
Good man.
Meet me at 8 at the club then we’ll head out together. I’m taking Brin home first.
You got it.
The St. Henry’s cabin is the perfect spot to meet up with some shady guy Jake knows to buy ANFO. It has nothing on site, so if the guy is a crook he can’t steal from us and it’s registered to a numbered company making it totally untraceable back to the club. We’ve owned it for almost fifty years and usually only keep an overflow of bike parts there.
I toss my phone on the bed and glance down at Brinley beside me, still naked and asleep in our cabin at the rally. I run my finger through her hair and down the smooth slope of her spine. I can’t sleep and the sun hasn’t even come up yet.
The feeling I have when I look at her overwhelms me. The woman whose body first became my obsession is now the woman I can’t live without. The woman who snuck up on me when I least expected it and took me out at the fucking knees.
We never even made it back to the festivities last night. Instead, we made it inside where we showered and ate barbeque from the grill outside the cabin, watching the fireworks show Jack put on for everyone from our deck. I listened as she talked about leaving Crimson, starting her own design studio, starting fresh after I put down the threat. And that’s when it hit me how much Brinley trusts me to keep her safe. She doesn’t think for one second this thing we’re planning can go badly and that makes me feel something for the first time in twelve years.
Fear. But not fear of what could happen to me. Fear of someday losing her. It fuels me and pushes me to get this job done faster, more efficiently. I’ve been awake for hours, triple checking Kai’s notes to ensure every single possible scenario has been thought of.
I kiss her shoulder through her hair. I try not to wake her as I stand and head for the shower. I have to meet with the guys this morning before this rowdy place wakes up. I stand and realize I’m still covered in her blood but it doesn’t fucking bother me in the slightest. I want every single part of her laced with me.
I turn the shower on and let the hot water cover me.
Today is the first step in ending the Disciples of Sin and all their years of bullshit with us.
I’m desperate to put it behind me and move forward. I know now, after less than two months, that I want Brinley with me. But I don’t want to hide her away, I want her everywhere I can take her. I want her to thrive in my world with me and come home to her every night. I want to sink into that perfect pussy every day until my last dying breath. I want to do things I’ve never fathomed, like add on to my home and create space for as many sons as she can give me.
Somehow, the thought of her body changing and growing, her carrying my child, fucking exhilarates me. And to watch her become a mother? To give a child everything I never had—with her it doesn’t seem pointless or impossible. It seems inevitable. It seems like everything my mother wanted for me that I never thought she’d see.
I shut the water off and grab a towel from the shelf.
Today, Jake and I will meet his contact for our ANFO explosives. Then tomorrow, we make our move on the DOS clubhouse. We’ve had one of our newest prospects on watch, their entire local club is here somewhere in Benson for another two nights, minus their president who’s apparently in Savannah to meet with K6.
When we take their clubhouse, we’ll take them over. We want to remind every single one of them, every day, that they will serve us. They’re going to help us clean up the Atlanta and Savannah streets instead of infecting them. Without their leader, we’re confident we can bring them under our wing.
But before any of that can happen, Marco Foxx has to die and I’m bloodthirsty with the thought.
We’ve spent months planning this. We’ll pull it off and come out the other side.
When I dry off and get dressed, I start to silently pack up the room as Brinley breathes softly in our bed. I watch her as she sleeps, and the warm feeling I get when I look at her that’s been plaguing me for a while now, spreads through my chest.
Shit is just uncontrollable. Ax tells me I love her, but I know better. This isn’t love. Love is just a word—this is something more. This is an unadulterated need. I need this woman more than I need air.
When this is done, I’m gonna tell her just that, but until then my only mission is to keep her safe.
“Where are you going tonight?”
I look into the beautiful blue eyes, that are the means for my entire existence, on the other side of the kitchen island when we get home later that afternoon.
“I want to stay here, Gabriel. With you. Permanently. I don’t want to leave. I want to sell my parents’ old home. What’s happening between us, how I feel, it’s…”
I look up at her from adding balsamic dressing to a large salad for us, surprised by her honest and confident words.