“Kill who?” Cole asks, coming out the back door onto the deck. All three of us girls turn to face him as the last of the daylight sinks down behind the house.
“Andrew,” I improvise. “Y’all done burning brush?” I ask quickly, trying to change the subject.
“Yeah, I’d like to have a go at him but it sounds like Nash did the job for me.” He looks at the three of us and frowns “How long have the Not Angels been influencing my daughter?” His brow furrows.
“We’re just teaching her how to have fun, Cole. No need to get your panties in a twist,” Ginger quips instantly.
Cole grunts.
“We only drank half a bottle of vodka while she was with us. We know our limits and stayed within them,” Ginger snickers.
“God dammit,” Cole mutters.
“Seriously, it was a perfectly innocent night. You should be thanking us, deputy. We only let her have five s’mores and a bag of candy while we watched Saw. Oh, and we made sure all the gangster rap we listened to limited the fucks to five a song. Best behavior. Promise.” Ginger taps her heart like scouts honor.
We all laugh but Cole doesn’t even crack a grin.
“These are the friends you choose?” he asks me.
Olivia scoffs. “I have nothing to do with this. It was all her.” She points to Ginger.
“Oh, trust me, I know it is,” Cole says as Olivia and Ginger double over. He turns to head inside, then stops and faces us again.
“If my daughter utters one inappropriate word tomorrow, you’re banned from seeing her.” Cole gestures at Ginger.
“I heard you’re looking for a nanny, Cole? I could give you a family discount.”
“Like fuck. Night, CeCe. I’ll be back in the morning,” is all he mutters before heading back through the house.
“Why do you insist on pushing him?” I ask Ginger.
“Because I love to see him all hot and bothered. He never looks better.”
“Eww.” I shudder which makes her laugh even harder.
In truth, Mabel loves Ginger and watching them together reminds me why she’s a teacher. Kids flock to her and her larger than life, happy persona. She’s a natural.
“Okay, so back to my problem at hand,” I say as I pop a marshmallow onto a poker.
“I don’t see your problem. He can say whatever he wants, he has it bad for you. I watch him at the bar. How do you not notice it?”
I stare at her clueless. The last few times we’ve gone to Sangria Sundays, I’ve barely seen Nash.
“It’s true, he hides in the shadows and intercepts any man that heads our way,” Olivia giggles.
“Maybe it’s not that he doesn’t want a relationship,” Ginger says in all of her wisdom, watching my marshmallow turn a perfect shade of burnt. “Maybe he hasn’t met the right person yet. Ooh, I have an idea.”
“Oh fuck,” I say indistinctly.
Ginger’s ideas usually mean I’m about to get into trouble.
“No… listen, it’s good and easy. Tomorrow night, just watch him. Really take notice. It’s Friday. The busiest night of the week, live music, Avery’s birthday dinner. There will be plenty of available men there. See how he reacts when one of them talks to you.”
“Or even looks at you,” Olivia pipes up, still giggling at the two of us as she pops her own marshmallow into her mouth.
“I have to let it go, I can’t dwell on Nash Carter. I’m just going to go and have fun. It was one night. One incredible night, but I have to put it behind me. He’s too close to all of us and I’ve only been out of my relationship with Andrew for a month.”
“Please, you were done with him months ago, and fate has a way of showing up when you least expect it,” Olivia says, her eyes full of every whimsical romance she’s ever read.