He’s been living the retired life as a riding horse for thirteen years, and he could possibly live another ten with the right care. He reminds me every time I ride him that I can overcome anything, and the lengths Wyatt Ashby went to for me. He kept my head above water and it’s because of him that I am the man I am today. Fuck, I miss him more than my own parents sometimes.
I swallow my coffee and ignore the knotted feeling in my chest as CeCe and I stare out the back windows for a few moments, just remembering her dad in our own ways. Nothing more is said, it’s just a comfortable peace as we drain our mugs.
“Wipe your paws, Harley.” Mama Jo comes in the front door, breaking the easy, comfortable silence between us.
She looks back and forth between us as she enters the kitchen.
“Rising River, daddy’s favorite,” she says, kissing CeCe on the head.
I stand up and clear my throat because this is too heavy for me. Air. I need air. I need a minute away from CeCe’s face. Most of all I need to put a halt on this little crush or whatever this is and get back to my regular frame of mind. CeCe Ashby is off-limits and always will be, no matter how fucking good she looks in those shorts, and no matter how much history lies between us.
We’re celebrating.
I don’t need to go out to celebrate my new job.
Who says this is about you? I ran into Cole today and he didn’t scowl at me. AND he said hello. I’m breaking through. One step closer to his handcuffs on my bed posts.
Holy shit, plan the wedding!
Both first and Second: Eww. Third: We can’t go out again, I just recovered from Sunday, and I have to start work tomorrow.
We’re going out. We’ll be good tonight. I have a nine am class tomorrow. One drink.
I’m trying to keep a professional boundary because my new boss owns the only pub in town.
You know what I say to that?
The whole town knows what you say to that.
Save a horse. Your new boss is hot AF
There it is. Do you go through even one day without saying that?
I try not to, have you seen the cowboys in this town?
Yeah, stop grossing me out, two of them are my brothers
That sounds like a you problem.