Page 22 of Holding The Reins

I frown at her. If they’re having any trouble, I’d like to know.

“Don’t worry about the ranch. We have it under control here. You just focus on your new job. I’m excited for you and this fresh start.”

She changes the subject as I narrow my eyes at her, but I decide to let it go for now. I’ll get to the bottom of the odd way she’s acting soon enough. I have nothing but time and I’m exhausted tonight. I’m dreaming about my bed and a new book.

“I need to go shopping tomorrow if you want to come along, most of my stuff is still in Seattle. I’m going to have to deal with that sooner than later.”

“Have you heard from the horse’s ass?”

“Nana Jo, put a dollar in,” Mabel pipes up, hiking her thumb over her shoulder without even looking up from painting nails. She never misses a beat.

“Y’all are funding her college.” I giggle. Mabel eyes me and grins. Little old soul, she is.

“Yes, Andrew is a pain right now, he calls me every few hours. I’ve only answered three times. Once, I hung up on him—that was out of my control. The other two times I pretended to lose service part way through the call. As soon as he starts telling me to come home, I’m out.” Or asking me why strange men are speaking for me. He accused Nash of being a new boyfriend. As if he has the right to question me, after years of being unfaithful to me.

“He just doesn’t get that I’m serious, or he thinks I’m having a little temper tantrum and that I’ll come back to him eventually. He has no faith that I will make it on my own. I should’ve seen all the red flags.”

“Coulda-shoulda-woulda,” Mama says, waving off my worry. “You can’t go back, only forward. You’re here now, that’s all that matters. Daddy would be proud, he never really liked him.”

I smile. “I know.”

“He was a good judge of character, your daddy.”

“The best,” I reply.

I watch Nash carefully from hooded eyes as he cleans. Corded forearms and veins ripple as he works, proceeding to wipe the counters in even straight swipes, ringing the cloth out and starting the process over again. He’s too neat. Something tells me he has a messy side somewhere. I wonder briefly if he tucks in his bedsheets and a slight grin plays on my lips.

Mabel finishes up my nails. I hold a hand out to admire them. Aside from the color, they don’t look half bad.

“Beautiful, Mabey-Baby.” I kiss her forehead.

“I’m gonna have a beauty salon one day,” she quips.

“I bet you will,” Nash says to her as he enters the den, finished with his chores.

The doorbell rings and startles me.

I look at Mama Jo as if she were expecting someone.

“Well, answer it. My nails are wet,” she says, helpless.

As I get closer I see the telltale UPS uniform through the glass. That was quick.

“Package for Cecilia Ashby?” He smiles a friendly smile at me as I open the door.

“That’s me.”

“Sign here, please.”

I do as he asks and muster the strength to lift the heavy box into the entryway. How I got it from the car into the UPS drop off on Friday, I’ll never know.

“Delivery?” Nash says from behind me, lifting the box from me with ease into his powerful arms. His fingers brush mine as he does, a current surges through my skin with the contact.

“Boulders?” he asks, judging its weight.

“Laptop, and my favorite books.”

He nods in response. “I’ll walk it down to Stardust for you, when you’re ready.”