Page 108 of Holding The Reins

“If I fuck this up, I’ll welcome it.” I grinned back.

“And no PDA. I want to keep my food in my stomach when I see you together,” Cole added with a shudder, earning another smack from Ginger.

“Just because you’re incapable of anything other than fuckboy emotion doesn’t mean everyone else should keep their love under wraps. I think it’s beautiful.” She smiled at me and I almost found myself liking her for a second.

“Yeah, just hush your mouth, boy. It’s adorable,” Mama Jo noted to Cole and then whispered to me, “You have her heart, boy. Do good by it.”

I nodded and ignored the stinging at the bridge of my nose for the woman that was for, all intents and purposes, my mother for half my life.

“Fuck me.” Wade surprised us all as his grumpy-ass grimace broke into a wide grin.

I only see Wade smile like that once, maybe twice, a year.

“Don’t expect me to actually settle down.”

I smiled back, remembering our conversation in the barn at the beginning of the summer. He’d settle down when I do.

“Better get on that, bud,” I laughed, as he punched me on the shoulder.

“To Wy. And to Nash and CeCe.” Jo raised her glass of bourbon and the rest of us followed with a table tap and a swallow.

“Let’s eat,” Jo added as I sat with my family for the rest of our typical Monday night dinner.

After a quick flight yesterday from Cincinnati, a check-in at the Four Seasons across town from her condo—far enough that I can keep myself from going to her when she doesn’t need me, I’m cold and I’m wet. And I’m ten seconds—or one of Andrew’s hands touching CeCe again, whichever happens to come first—away from knocking him to his ass one final time, taking my girl home and telling her how fucking desperately in love with her I am as I beg for her forgiveness for acting like a total asshole on Saturday. Then I’ll be rightly burying myself in her every second I can until a natural disaster or death forces us from my house.

I order some alfredo, realizing I haven’t really eaten anything but a protein bar today, and watch CeCe’s face from across the room. She looks stiff and uncomfortable as she browses the menu and I fucking love it. I revel in it.

It definitely would’ve gutted me if she looked happy and relaxed around the douchebag. I see her tap her high-heeled clad foot and absorb her beauty as I watch her order. She’s casual but perfect in black tights and open heels with a long loose button down silk blouse.

The two of them seem to be chatting quietly as I wolf down my food. I’m half-finished as a loud, obnoxious foursome comes into the restaurant, they look way too expensive to be eating here and they head directly over to CeCe’s table. The copper haired one—who looks like she’s had more plastic surgery than her twenty-something-face warrants—throws herself into CeCe’s tense arms. I can see CeCe’s face over Fancy’s shoulder and she’s hating every second of this. It appears like a little group date and I’m getting the vibe CeCe had no idea these people were coming.

From what Ginger said, CeCe and Andrew were supposed to be meeting to discuss the deal while buyers went through the condo. Doesn’t seem like any deals are going to be talked about. It seems like an ambush, and CeCe’s at the center of it.

My knuckles turn white as I grip the table. I’m giving her all of five minutes to get out of this on her own.

“Andrew said you were coming back into town, we’re all so glad to hear it, he’s just been lost without you,” Rachel whispers as the three men talk work stuff across the table.

“I’m not, I’m here to pack up my things.”

My mind is reeling, and more than once I’m asking myself why I’m still sitting here. Why don’t I just stand up and throw something at Andrew across the table? I already know the answer. Doing that would fuel him. It would give him a reason to say I’m crazy, and then it would be poor Andrew. He’d be the victim and I’m not giving him the satisfaction. I’m going to eat this meal, get the fuck out of his condo and go home after tomorrow’s meeting.

“We were hoping you two had worked things out when he invited us. We really miss you.”

Yeah, right.

They really miss gossiping about me the same way they do everyone in our social circle. These girls are the Real Housewives of Seattle types and they don’t have much below the surface. Drama is their cornerstone.

“That’s not happening. I have a life in Kentucky now. A job I’m proud of.” Hopefully, I still do.

“We just think maybe you’re being a little overdramatic,” Lenora says, her glossy pink lips turn into a pitying smile.

“We don’t have powerful men without putting up with a little indiscretion every once and a while. It’s just something you have to accept. Every man ventures out at some point. At least when these ones do, we have a luxury condo and a black Amex to soften the blow.” Lenora chuckles a regal laugh, and I stare at her incredulously.

Did Andrew bring these women here to try to convince me to go back to him?

Suddenly, my stomach is churning. Everything I hated about this life comes flooding back to me and I need out. I look at Andrew across the table.

“Excuse me,” I say to the table, grabbing my purse as I beeline for the ladies’ room.