Page 91 of Music City Diaries

“I’ll hold you to that.”

“Good.” He smirked, the movement lifting his eyes. They sparkled, making those butterflies in my stomach go crazy.

Feeling out of sorts, I grabbed the water and finished it, hoping it would cool me off in more ways than one.

“You want to dance some more or head out?”

“Dance?” I asked, not ready to quit just yet.

Grayson stood from the stool, offering me a hand. Placing mine in his, I sucked in a breath as my skin erupted in goosebumps.

I could keep fighting my attraction and the feelings accompanying it. Or I could give in and trust that he’d stay.

The way my body leaned toward him, I knew there was no way I’d be able to keep fighting this. Grayson had a pull over me that went straight from his eyes to my clit and to my heart.

The music changed to a sultry song, adding an extra layer of heat as our bodies moved together. Grayson’s hand slid down my arm, over my shoulder, as he placed it around his neck. I could feel the path his fingers had taken, marking me with his heat.

It felt like magic was in the air as we swayed together. My hips moved, my feet kept the beat, but my focus was on his face, holding his eyes as the world fell away. His hands moved again, creating more paths of heat in his wake across my back.

Spinning, my hair flew out behind me, the bar a blur as it whirled by. At that moment, he and I were the only two people who mattered.

“Laws?” I whispered, needing something.

“I feel it too, Sunflower.”

Nodding, I blinked as I held back tears. The emotions raced through me, overwhelming me as I tried to process them. What was happening between us?

A faster beat started, and we began to move. Our touches were more deliberate as we trailed fingers across one another. The heat built, my breath catching with each twist and turn. When he dropped me, catching me by my neck in a dead drop, I was stunned and turned on.

My body hadn’t hesitated to follow him. It seemed I trusted him instinctively.

His fingers flexed before he lifted me up, bringing our bodies together. The blood rushed back, leaving me dizzy. Grayson kept hold of me, offering me his support. We stayed staring at one another, only slightly swaying.

The song ended, and reality returned. But I couldn’t ignore how magical the world felt. Grayson did that.

“Want to get out of here?” he asked.

I nodded before he finished. There was no more hiding or debating. All the little touches and heat between us had grown to an inferno, and I couldn’t—no, I wouldn’t—ignore it.

His hand grasped mine, a smile on his face as he led us out. An uncomfortable feeling washed over me, the hair on the back of my neck standing as we passed through the bar. I looked around, searching for the cause.

Nothing stood out, the feeling eased, and I wondered if I’d just imagined it.

Movement in the corner caught my eyes, a face that shouldn’t be there flashing in my mind. I stopped, searching the space, but found it empty.

Grayson turned, his brows raising as he assessed me.

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah. I thought I saw someone. But that’s not possible. Just my mind playing tricks on me, I suppose.”

“You sure?” he asked, stepping closer. His hands went to my shoulders, soothing the anxiety away.

Blinking, I nodded. His presence comforted me, calming my nerves.

His cocksure smile returned, and he bent down, kissing me. “Let’s go then.”

The rest of the way out of the bar breezed by, the outside air cooling my skin as we headed to the truck. Grayson opened the door, turning and lifting me into it.