Page 90 of Music City Diaries

And if Maddox ever returns, we’ll figure it out.

I could cry at how relieved that makes me.

I’m trying not to think the worst, that this means something terrible will happen and enjoy the copious amounts of pleasure I will receive instead.

And hopefully, tonight will be the start of that.





Dancing with Graysonwas a lot of fun. He knew his body well and could move it. The rest of the crowd faded away as we danced. The feel of his arms on me was the only thing I focused on.

“Thank you for bringing me here. I forgot how much I needed to dance.”

“You’re welcome, Sunflower.”

“Why do you call me that?” I asked, curious. The other nicknames had been silly and fun, but this one felt different.

“Because you’re like a sunflower for several reasons.”

“Oh?” I asked, fluttering my eyelashes. As was his nature, I expected him to tell me a cheesy reason.

“Like the sunflower, you have a strong base and have risen up despite the harshness of the outside world.” He twirled me, his eyes raking over me as he stared down. “Sunflowers are made up of a thousand little flowers that form together. Each seed is self-sufficient, able to grow wherever it lands. No matter where you go, Darcie, you flourish, leaving your mark on others, much like the pollen of a sunflower.” Grayson dipped me, pulling me flush to him. “Sunflowers are also known to have healing properties,and I see you doing that with the three of us guys.” His mouth moved toward my ear, his voice softer. “But most of all, you attract the sun, making you reflect pure sunshine. You’re casting out the darkness in our lives and replacing it with light.”

His voice tickled my neck, and I gasped. Pulling back, I searched his eyes, wondering if it was a line. Spotting the truth, I hid my face in his shoulder as my cheeks turned red.

“You see me a lot differently than I see myself,” I admitted.

“Hmm. Then I’ll remind you daily until you see it too, Sunflower.”

My heart raced; the emotion was overwhelming. I couldn’t be falling for him this soon. I’d be a goner if I did.

Grayson rocked us, moving to the rhythm of the song. He hummed in my ear, sending vibrations through me. He stepped back, easily falling into a two-step as he twirled and pulled me closer. We danced together flawlessly, our feet in sync. If I didn’t know better, I’d think we’d been dancing together for years.

When the song ended, I had a massive smile on my face. My breathing had increased; my face flushed from the moves. And if I was honest, Grayson.

“Want to grab a drink?” I asked, needing some space. If I kept feeling his body against mine, I’d combust.

“Yeah.” Grayson took my hand and led me through the crowd. I caught a few glances from others, but they mostly kept to themselves. It was a welcomed relief.

“Water?” he asked, glancing back at me when we reached the bar.

“Yep.” He turned back, placing the order. Two waters were placed on the counter, and he slid some cash across, picking them up. His hand never left mine as he moved us toward an open table.

I sighed when I sat, my feet reminding me I was wearing boots. The price of cuteness was steep when dancing.

Drinking half the bottle, I placed it on the table, feeling better.

“Are you having fun?” Grayson asked, staring at me.

“So much,” I said, smiling. I loved the way he stared at me. It made me feel like the only woman around.

“I’m glad. Whenever you need to dance, just let me know.”