“So, I got into the car and drove. I’m sorry to bring you into this mess, but I didn’t know what else to do.”
The tears I’d been able to hold back threatened to spill now that I was done. I felt a little lighter, having shared my burden, but my heart was heavy from the emotional toil. I sagged into the couch, too afraid to look at the others.
“Darcie, never apologize for needing a friend. I’m glad you came.”
Lennox hugged me, her arms feeling like healing beacons of warmth as she wrapped them around me. The last bit of my restraint broke, my sobs pouring out of me. My body shook with the force of my tears, and I let it all go.
I cried for the girl who hadn’t been home in years, whose family had been taken away. I wept for the girl whose first love had to leave her and the hole he left in his wake. And I sobbed forthe life I’d finally created for myself and how that was now gone as well.
Nothing in my life ever remained, and I was sick of losing.
That thought sobered me, the tears beginning to dry as I found the strength I’d built begin to return.
I drew back, wiping my eyes, surprised to find a box of tissues in front of my face. Glancing up, I spotted Simon holding them out to me.
“Thank you,” I sniffled, taking the box and pulling a few free to wipe my eyes and blow my nose. It wasn’t a pretty task, but I felt better once it was done.
“We should tell my dad,” Lennox said, nodding to herself.
“I’m not sure that’s the right call in this situation, Peach,” Slade said from behind me. I turned, taking in his tense posture against the wall.
Lennox slumped, her shoulders dropping at his words. “I… I’m not sure what to do then. Especially with…” she trailed off, her eyes staying on her hands as she twisted in her lap.
“What is it, Len?” I asked, worried I’d dumped too much on her plate.
She looked up, her face changing as she made up her mind about something. “It’s nothing. You can stay here as long as you need to, Darcie. I’ll help you, however I can.”
“Peach,” Slade growled, but she ignored him, some of her fire returning.
“What isn’t she telling me?” I asked the guys, glancing around. Slade was busy staring down Lennox, who avoided his gaze. Simon wore a sheepish grin but didn’t say anything. It was Thane who filled me in when I met his eyes.
“She got asked to go on tour with Shadows of Mayhem. We leave in the morning.”
“Shut up! That’s amazing, Len!” I shouted, reaching over to hug her. She tensed but accepted my embrace.
Through my happiness for her, I finally understood what was going on.
“You have to go,” I said, drawing back. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”
“There will be others. Plus, you need me. I’m your friend, and I’m choosing to help you instead.”
I smiled at her, loving this girl in front of me even more. She truly was one of a kind.
“And that’s exactly why I can’t let you pass on this opportunity. You’re amazing, Lennox, and everyone deserves to know that. If I can just stay here tonight, I’ll figure something out. You don’t need to reroute your life for me.”
She started to protest when Slade spoke up, her mouth closing.
“I might have another solution to offer,” he said, his deep voice brokering no arguments.
“You could come with us!” Lennox yelled, a smile spreading across her face.
The thought of being stuck in a vehicle with my bestie and her three boyfriends sounded as appealing as a bikini wax. I grimaced, hoping that wasn’t what Slade had in mind.
“Um,” I hedged, turning to him, urging him to tell me something different.
He was watching Lennox, a soft smile on his face for her. When he turned to me, the softness was gone, and the no-nonsense man I’d come to know had returned.
“As fun as that would be,” he started, making my heart race; he was going to agree with her, “it wouldn’t be the wisest or safest option for either of you. Plus, I doubt your bestie wants to be there for our after-concert celebrations.”