“I told you not to call me that. If you don’t get out, I’ll call 911.”
“Go ahead. I’ll tell them your real name and that you’re the daughter of one of Mississippi’s notorious gang members and wanted in questioning for the murder of Bill Henshaw in Memphis. I’m sure they’d be really thankful to me for bringing them you.”
I saw red, unable to think, the air around me constricting my lungs in a panic. I wouldn’t go back to how I was. I wouldn’t.Reaching down into the sink, my hand clasped down over the knife I’d used to cut the plastic over the pizza. Chase stared at me, his smug expression mocking.
He thought he’d won, but I was done with men telling me how I got to live my life. I was done with men trying to dictate it should be a certain way. Years of repressed trauma, along with all the healing and growth I’d done, surged forward, and I didn’t even have to think as I plunged the knife into his chest, opening up the wound I’d just closed. Chase’s eyes went wide as he stared at me in shock.
“The answer is fucking no.” I pulled the knife out and took off running for the door, grabbing the go bag I always had ready. I clutched the knife in my hand, not caring how I looked as I bolted down the back stairs, my bare feet echoing off the concrete as I ran.
I had to go. I didn’t want to, but I had to. For now, at least.
With shaking hands, I unlocked the car I’d never used and started it up. I'd taken my father's advice to heart this time and had my contingency plan ready.
I still wasn’t great at driving four wheels, but nothing like the present to practice.
The further I got from the apartment, the better I felt. There was no way he could track me in this car. So, for now, I was safe. I avoided the cameras, and this car wasn’t even registered in my name. I guess in some ways, I’d always known I’d have to run again. Thankfully, everything that meant something had been packed into the trunk in a secret compartment. My mom’s belongings and the contents of the safe deposit box. If Maddox was in jail, his mission to save his sister must’ve failed. It was up to me now.
Gripping the steering wheel, I thought through my head where I could go, where it would be safe, and only one place came to mind.
Lennox. I had to get to Lennox.
Excerpt from Open Road
My headlights bouncedas I turned down the dark road. I had no clue where I was, but I was grateful I had a piece of mail with Lennox’s address, or I would’ve been screwed. When I set off toward her house, I hadn’t been thinking about the logistics of it, knowing I just needed to get away from Chase. Away from the scene.
Now, as I took my last turn down her road, I worried I was overstepping. She seemed so happy when I talked to her last week. I didn’t want to ruin that. I also hoped I had the timing right, and that she was back by now. If not, maybe I could sleep in the barn or something until morning and figure out a different plan.
Settled, I slowed as I approached the driveway, the lights on giving me a sense of hope and dread. Shit, I was a lousy friend dragging her into this mess, but I hoped that I wouldn’t have to be alone in it.
Thoughts of everything swirled in my head, and I knew I couldn’t sit out here all night. I was here. I needed to see this through.
Grabbing my bag, I climbed out of the car and headed toward the front door. A motion-sensor light flared to life, causing me to jump back in alarm, my heart racing.
Taking a few steps up to the porch, I sucked in a breath as I stared at the door. My hands were stained red, and my clothes were covered in odd spots from Chase’s blood. Shit. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t be that friend who showed up and brought terrible news when she was getting everything she wanted.
Turning to go, I vowed to find another solution after getting some sleep. I only took one step when the door squeaked open behind me.
“Darcie?” her voice called out. “Darcie! It is you. What are you doing here? Where are you going?” Lennox’s voice instantly soothed something in me, and despite knowing I was awful for bringing her into this, the comfort of her won out in the end.
Spinning around, I couldn’t stop the tears as they began to fall down my cheeks. Lennox’s smile dropped as she took me in, bloodstains and all.
“Darce, what happened? Are you hurt? Guys, come help!” she yelled back into the house, followed by accompanying footsteps.
Before I could get any words out, I was ushered into her house as she began to immediately fawn over me, looking for a sign of injury. I couldn’t help it, the tears fell in earnest, and I realized how much I’d missed my friend, how much I’d missed having someone in my corner.
“Ssh, it’s alright. Whatever it is, we’ll fix it. Just talk to me, Darce,” she said, rocking me in her arms. I loved that she didn’t even care if she got blood on her. That was the type of friend Lennox was.
“It’s not mine,” I managed to say as someone hurried in with a bowl of water and a rag. “I’m okay, but I need your help.”
Beautiful Envy
Lennox kepther eyes on me, her hand tight in mine as I shared my story. Her face was pained, a tear trickling down her cheek every now and then. She didn’t interrupt, letting me get out every detail of my sordid past. With one last breath, I heaved a sigh, my tale coming to a close.