Page 44 of Music City Diaries

“Yeah, sure. Come on. I’m not waiting all night.”

I scooped up my stuff and waved at Stefan, who was already getting himself ready for bed. He didn’t even acknowledge me as I passed him. I was suddenly rethinking his comment about being the nice brother.

Damon led me back to the truck we’d stopped at earlier, not saying a word the whole time. It was awkward, but since I didn’t have a lot of options out in the country, I wasn’t going to complain.

When we pulled into the city, I gave him directions to my apartment.

“Candi mentioned you worked at Wild Horse. I like it there.”

“Yep,” he said.

“Do you like working there?” I asked, the quiet getting to me.


“Do you often have to drive your brother’s booty calls?”


“Do you know any other words?” I teased.

He stopped, a small smile threatening to take over his face. “Yep.”

Laughing, I decided he wasn’t too horrible, even if he wasn’t the greatest conversationalist.

“He’s not going to call you, you know.” He finally said as we pulled up to my place.

“I know. I don’t want him to.”

That seemed to stun him, and he looked at me. “That’s a first. Most girls think their vagina will make him fall in love with them.”

“First of all, I’m pretty sure my vagina would. But second, his dick, not so much. He didn’t even know how to do any foreplay. He gets by on his good looks and charm and the fact he’s a somewhat star. It was good for tonight, but you don’t have to worry about me becoming a stalker. “

Damon laughed, catching me off guard. “Okay, I think that’s the first time any girl has ever referred to my brother as mediocre.”

I shrugged, opening the door. “Thanks for the lift. You’re not so scary, either.”

He humphed, shaking his head. Closing the door, I walked a few steps when the window rolled down, and he called out to me.


“Yeah?” I asked, turning.

“We’re hiring, at Wild Horse, if you have any dance skills, you should apply. I won’t say I know you, though. You’re on your own.”

“Thanks, I think.”

He rolled his eyes, rolling up the window, but I caught a slight glimpse of a smile. Walking into the building, I deemed the night a moderate success. I’d had sex. It hadn’t been great, but I hadn’t ended up crying in the corner either. And I might be able to get a dream job. All in all, a red banner day.

Diary #12

Dear Mom,

Another year has passed, and I sometimes don’t recognize my life before Nashville. It feels like a dream at times. I know I haven’t even written as much either. I guess in some ways, that’s good. I don’t need to heal as much anymore. I miss sharing things with you, though.

So, how about an update?

I love my job at the Wild Horse Saloon. It took me six months to earn a spot as a dance instructor, but I never gave up, taking more classes so I could learn the steps to all of them. Damon still avoids me, but he’ll talk to me every now and then. I think it helps that I wasn’t hung up on Stefan like he expected. Though getting promoted has hampered things, and he’s gone back to hating me, I think.