My sexual experiences have been better since Stefan. No one has been Maddox, but I’m guessing that’s because we loved one another. I try not to think about him, but I know something terrible happened. I just hope that one day he’ll be able to tell me about it. I refuse to think he’s gone.
Candi is as crazy as ever, and she’s been a real friend. Even when there was an incident over a guy with some of her other friends, she stood by me. I didn’t know he had a girlfriend, but you’d think I waltzed in there and demanded he perform mediocre oral on me. Based on his limp dick, I’m guessing Valerie owns his balls as it was. It taught me to pick guys who were clearly single and not hanging around our group.
Candi asked if I had ever thought about getting a boyfriend. She’s currently shacked up with someone and is all lovesick. I’ll admit, I’m still a hopeless romantic and daydream of someone making a romantic gesture one day. But I’m not there yet. Or maybe just the right person hasn’t come along. Hookups are just easier. No emotions involved.
Besides, my heart is already wrapped up in a few people. Yeah, a few.
I should feel bad, but I don’t. For one, none of them are attainable. So, if they’re all just in my heart, what’s the harm?
Maddox is a permanent fixture. I’ll never stop loving him.
Cowboy has become my best friend, and if we ever met, I’d probably run off to Gatlinburg and get married in a drive-up wedding chapel. He’s pure and wholesome, despite most of our conversations being naked.
Chase is a mystery, but he’s still in my life. The schoolgirl crush I had on him still activates when he texts. I know we can’t be together, and I don’t even know if I do like him since it’s been over two years since I’ve even seen him, but I think about the what-ifs sometimes. He’s been a good friend to me, helping me when I needed it. It’s too complicated, though, for me to settle down with anyone else.
At least, that’s my reasoning. I guess, in a way, Damon fits that too. Maybe I just like guys who didn’t or couldn’t be with me so I wouldn’t get hurt.
Wow, that was dark.
Moving on. I’ve decided to get a tattoo. My appointment is tonight, and I’m excited about it. I guess that’s all.
I walkedinto the tattoo parlor and immediately loved it. The atmosphere had a fun and hip vibe, making me trust their work. I was already in love with all the designs I’d seen on LiveIt.
A guy sat at the front counter reading, so I walked up to him with confidence, smiling big as I braced my arms against the counter. “Hi, I’m here for an appointment.”
“Name?” he asked in a bored tone, not looking up.
“Right. You’re with one of our new artists, LJ. Can you sign this waiver?” He handed me a clipboard, still more focused on his book.
“Why do I have to sign a waiver? Are they not good?” He rolled his eyes, and I wanted to throat punch the jerk.
Leaning forward more, I pressed my boobs together. He instantly dropped his eyes, gulping. Stroking the arm holding out the form, I finally managed to get his attention.
“Um, what did you say?” he asked, swallowing.
“Why do I have to sign a waiver? It won’t hurt, will it?” I purred.
“It’s for liability, not the artist. She’s actually one of our best. And um, it might hurt. Is that a problem?”
I stroked my finger up and down, looking up through my eyelashes. “A little pain can be good,” I said, using my best bedroom voice. He gulped again, nodding so fast he looked like a bobble-head. He eventually got enough courage to lean closer.
“So, hey, I get off in a few if you want to grab a drink after.”
I pouted. “I don’t know. I’m not really interested in a threesome with your phone. Good luck with that.”
A girl had walked up while I’d been talking and stood back watching. She laughed when she heard what I said, and I looked over, smiling at her.
“Please tell me that you're my client?” she asked, grinning.