Page 173 of Music City Diaries

Again, she lifted her brow, daring me to question her. It was infuriating how sexy her confidence was. Dipping low, I gestured gallantly with my arm toward the bikes in a passive aggressive move.

“By all means, let’s take a drive. It’s not like my sister’s whereabouts are unknown.”

All right, that might have sounded more petulant than I’d intended. My cheeks heated, but I’d already committed to the bratty stubbornness, so I didn’t back down.

Darcie chuckled, patted my chest as she passed, and swayed her hips, drawing my eyes straight to her ass. Fuck.

She didn’t wait for me to pick my jaw off the ground as she straddled her bike and flicked the throttle into position to start it. She gave me one glance over her shoulder before she donned her helmet and took off. Cursing, I jogged to catch up and mounted my lowrider. Agent Bones yelled after me as I sped out of the compound, but I’d learned my lesson already. Darcie was the boss.

I caught up with her at the stop sign, where I assumed she’d waited. Once she heard me, she took off, and I followed. Hitting the Bluetooth in my helmet, I waited until I heard hers connect.

“Where are we going?”

“You ever hear you catch more bees with honey?”

I grunted. “I’m sick of playing his game.”

“That’s why we’re playing mine now.”

Her sweet voice was at odds with the venom in her words. I swallowed. “And what game is that, Princess?”

“For one, I need to see the others. Bones said everything was fine, but I trust him about as far as I can throw and I’m done with being apart.” She let out a long breath. She didn’t say it, but I could feel the tension in her words. She’d been able to focus on doing her part of the plan, but she hadn’t liked being separated. It had been necessary, but I knew it had come at a cost. Keeping her there longer than required to wait on Bones had been cruel on his and my part.

“I’m sorry, Princess. I didn’t think.”

“You have nothing to apologize for, Maddox. Well, maybe for that sarcastic as fuck bow, but I’ll let it slide because we both know I like you bowing to me.”

I smiled. I loved her sass. “I’ll gladly bow to you for the rest of my life, Darcie.”

“Big words, Maddox King.”

“Nothing but the biggest for you, Princess.” My chest felt lighter, and I knew we’d find Becca together. Darcie wouldn’t let Bones keep her hidden any longer. How easily I’d forgotten to trust my woman. I’d do better.

“Good. I’m glad we got that squared away. Now, the second thing. Bones wants us to bend to his rules, but that’s not how we play. Especially after what Agonizer disclosed.”

“Fuck. Okay. You’re right. I’m just?—”

“Worried about Becca. I know, Madd. We’ll get her back.”

“I know. Fuck. I think everything has caught up to me. I don’t remember the last time I slept for more than three hours at a time.”

“And yet you still knocked out four guys on your own,” she teased.

“Well.” I chuckled. That had been mostly adrenaline and knowing the quicker I got through them, the faster I could check on her. I didn’t like her being alone with Agonizer. Too many thoughts of not being fast enough last time haunted me.

“Once we’re all together, we’ll deal with Bones. We have to keep believing she’s safe for now or we’ll go mental. We’re running on coffee and adrenaline at the moment, but we both know we’ll crash. We can’t afford to risk her safety.”

“You’re right. I just hate knowing he’s taken her.”

“I know, Madd. But we know he had a purpose, and for all intents and purposes, he appears to be on the ‘good side’ if that exists. I don’t believe he’ll hurt her. He’s gotten what he wants, so now we wait.”

“That’s the part I hate. I don’t like him having something over on me. What if he keeps asking for more? I’m done letting him dictate my future.”

“Trust me, Madd. I’m working on it.”

“Okay. That’s the easiest thing to do.”

“You know what?”