Page 172 of Music City Diaries

“So you won’t mind if I kill him?”

“Do what you must. He’s of no use to me. Now, are we going to talk business, or do I need to whip out my dick so we can measure who's the biggest?”

Stanley squeezed my throat harder, and the oxygen left me again. Stars danced in my periphery, and it took everything in me not to panic. Panic wouldn’t help me right now. It would only get everyone killed. Just before I blacked out, he let go, and I sucked in air.

“That mouth of yours has always been a problem, little girl. I think I need to remind you how good I am at convincing people to do things. You’re back for seconds, after all. It would be a shame to let this opportunity go to waste.”

He shoved me to the ground and unbuckled his belt. My knees hit the hard surface with a sharp sting, but it helped tokeep me in the present and not get lost in the panic. Flashbacks threatened to surface at the feel of his hands on my body, and fuzziness invaded my mind, so it took me a moment to notice the dick in front of my face.

That was the last straw.

Clarity rushed back, and I remembered my power. This would be the last person he threatened with his dick.

Lifting my knife, I sliced through his penis without a second thought. Blood splattered on my face, coating me as he screamed and howled in pain. But I didn’t care. I’d gladly take a bath in his blood if it meant he no longer got to threaten people with his poor excuse for a cock.

Standing, I wiped the blade on my pants and sheathed it before staring down at the asshole. He’d fallen to the ground, covering himself as he attempted to stop the bleeding.

“It’s Queen, asshole, learn some fucking respect. I will never bow down to you.”

The door burst open, and the chaos below finally penetrated the fog surrounding me. Agent Bones gaped at me, his eyes roaming over the blood covering me.

“I told you to leave him alive!”

“Oh, he is. For now.” I kicked the penis I’d dismembered. “You might want to get him a medic before he isn’t.”

I turned and searched through the filing cabinet and ignored Agent Bones as he barked orders. Pulling out a few files, I slipped them into the back of my pants and grabbed a coffee mug that held pens. Dumping it out, I scooped up the penis and marched out, ignoring the asshole screaming at me to stop. Maddox blanched when he saw me, but when I smiled, he relaxed.

“Do I even want to know?”

“I wanted a souvenir.” I shrugged and climbed down the stairs. Maddox snorted, following me out into the open. Fourmen lay unconscious on the ground. This time, I lifted my eyebrow. Maddox smirked but didn’t comment.

Agents filed into the space in plain suits, opening crates and zip-tying the still-conscious men. There were about forty of Agonizers men here, and I thanked the heavens we’d been underestimated; otherwise, this would have ended a whole lot differently.

Now, I just had to hope the others were as successful and that Agent Bones knew what was good for him. Because if he tried to keep Becca’s whereabouts a secret, Agonizer wouldn’t be the only eunuch in the state. I always did like things in pairs.

Diary #17

Dear Dad,

You would be proud of me, of the woman I’ve become. I’m glad you met the guys with whom I plan to spend my life. I wish it hadn’t been so short. I regret not hugging you one last time. I hope you’re reunited with Mom and know your name has finally been redeemed.

I love you.




My knuckles ached,the skin raw and red from busting a few too many heads in. But if Agent Bones dismissed us one more time, I’d find it within myself to break his nose, soreness be damned.

“Bones.” The word came out in a hiss, my emotions clear as day about how I felt. The agent in question glanced over his shoulder and lifted one finger. I saw red.

With my fists balled at my side, I charged forward. Darcie stepped into my path, and I had to jump aside to not bowl her over. She glared, her arms crossed and her brow raised as she waited for me to calm down. The woman looked too hot for me to stay mad too long. I tipped my head back and stared at the sky until I slowed my breathing. When I had it under control, I met her eyes again.

“Good. Let’s go for a drive.”

“What? You can’t be serious.”