“The hell did you do, Kas?”

Shrugging, I stood. “I’m not exactly sure.” There were zig-zags all over the grass. Some places were longer and shorter than others. It was a mess.

“I’ll fix it.”

“What makes you think I need you to?” He looked from me to the yard and back to me before we both started laughing. “Okay, okay. I can admit I need help.”

“Going forward, I’m going to come and cut your yard after I do my parents every weekend. Cool?”

Nodding, I watched him pull his shirt over his head. My mouth watered immediately. It didn’t matter how many times I saw his naked frame in the past, I always reacted physically.Much too much time had passed since I’d felt Dali’s lips or dick. I wasn’t sure I could handle watching him sweat and flex his muscles as he fixed what I’d fucked up.

“Kas,” he called, watching me watch him. He closed the space between us with a cocky smile. “You good?”

“Is taking your shirt off really necessary?”

“I ain’t had no complaints before.”

“I bet you haven’t.” Jealousy surged through me at the thought of his female clients ogling him and flirting while he worked on their yards. I didn’t want to think about the amount of times his jobs ended with him inside of someone’s bed. “I’m sure you just love having all eyes on you.”

“For what it’s worth…” he said to my back as I walked away. “The only woman’s eyes I want on me are yours.”

“Don’t flirt with me unless you’re going to follow those words up with actions, sir.”

“I will. In due time.” When I turned to look at him and gauge his seriousness, he gave me a wink along with that sexy smile. “Will you bring me something to drink please, baby?”

I ignored him calling me baby and went inside. After making myself a mixed drink, I grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator. By the time I made it back outside, he’d already gotten started on pulling the weeds from my flower bed. I tried to hand him the water bottle, but he grabbed my glass instead. Before I could warn him that it had alcohol in it, he took a large chug of what he probably thought was straight up lemonade.

When he started to choke, I gasped before laughing. “Serves you right for drinking my shit.”

“Who the hell drinks vodka and lemonade before noon?”

“Me duh. Now here.” I handed him the water, holding back more giggles.

He snatched the water playfully and stood to his full height. I wasn’t sure how tall he was exactly, but he was over six feetand towered over my five-five frame. As he guzzled the water, I took him in. His caramel-brown skin was smooth with a golden undertone. He was thick and lean with muscles bulging in all the right places. Just thinking about how easy it was for him to lift my size twenty frame and fuck me against the wall until I came three times before lifting me in the air and eating my pussy had it pulsing.

Yeah, those were the good ol’ days.

His hairy chest and thick beard had been covered with my pussy juices far too many times than I could count.

There was a time I would have sworn this man was going to be my husband. Now, it felt like an exaggeration to even call his fine ass my friend.

Thick brows hovered over light brown eyes that stared at me. He licked his skin colored, soft, juicy lips as he handed me the water bottle.

“Thank you, Kassadee.” He paused as his brows wrinkled. After looking me over, he asked, “Since you’ve already started on the day drinking… you wanna go to brunch or something when I’m done?”

“Oh.” Clutching my throat, I blinked rapidly. I certainly wasn’t expecting him to suggest we spent time together. It had been over a year since we’d even been alone together. “Um… I-I can’t. We have a family meeting at one.”

His head bobbed once as he lowered himself and got back to the weeds. “Is everything good?”

“I’m not sure, but I hope so. I know Ken will fill you in later either way.”

Dali chuckled. “You used to.” He made sure our eyes were locked when he asked, “Are we not friends anymore?”

“Doesn’t seem like it.”

“I agree. Can we change that?”

Considering his request, I set the empty water bottle down on the porch. “Will this friendship involve you threatening people I date? Because if so, I really don—”