Page 127 of Drama Queen

She twists her fingers, revealing three matches intertwined, each dancing with flame. With a magician's flourish, she tosses the first into the living room curtains, flames erupting and crawling up the walls like creatures from Hell.

"Stop," I plead. "Give me my daughter and leave!"

Tamera's cackle grows manic, her unstable mental state peeking through the sinister smile. "You don't have a daughter." Flick—another match ignites the couch. "Hendrix, baby, why don't you fetch the baby's bag and car seat before I finish this."

My eyes dart between them, panic evident as Hendrix hesitates, clearly not a part of her madness. "You're not going anywhere!" I scream, horror mounting as she laughs and strikes her final match. Fire swirls like a lasso around the room, engulfing us in seconds.

"Ares!" Hendrix snaps, a snarl curling his lip. "There's nothing you can do. We're leaving and taking Evie with us." He gestures toward her, his words final.

"Ashley. Her name is Ashley," Tamera murmurs, rubbing Evie's back, who miraculously sleeps through it all.

Even though I see through her façade immediately, his rejection stings, dredging up my insecurities, causing my lower lip to tremble. It's a blow that shatters our soul, felt through our bond. He turns away, unable to meet my gaze as he heads to Evie's room, his departing words cutting deep. "It's over."

As my world goes up in flames, my legs give out, dropping me to all fours. Sweat coats my body from the inferno blazing inmy home, tears cascade down my cheeks, sobs wrench through me. Three sets of hands touch my skin, trying to comfort but only causing pain, their touch like razors. Their concerned voices fade, muffled as cotton fills my ears, narrowing my focus to panting breaths. The ache is deep, hollowing my insides, breaking my soul in two.

"Did you get everything?" Tamera coos, glancing from Evie to Hendrix who reenters the room.

Hendrix looks around nervously, noticing the fire's rapid advance. "I did. We need to get you and the baby out before it gets too smoky." He's beside her, rubbing their backs with the care of a mate, another stab to the heart.

"You're right," she nods, finally grasping the danger around us. When Hendrix moves to take Evie, she jerks away, growling. "I've got her."

"Fuck you, Drix!" Knox snarls. "I always knew you were an asshole, but you've really outdone yourself this time."

"You've always been jealous. She chose me. Get over it," Hendrix retorts, stepping in front of Tamera and Evie, shielding them. But in reality, he mouths, "I love you."

He's about to sacrifice himself to save us all, snatching her into the flames the moment she releases Evie into her seat. Telepathy isn't part of our mate bond, but heightened emotion transmits his plan to us.

"No," Maddock whispers, understanding in his eyes.

Within seconds, everyone springs into action. Knox snags Hendrix's shirt, bounding toward Tamera, her eyes widening in shock as his clawed hand grazes her throat, intent on ripping tendon and muscle. Instantly, betrayal flashes across her eyes, shifting to Evie, replaced with vengeance.

Before she can reach Evie, Kato bellows at the top of his lungs, body taut, fists clenched. The drama queen emerges as expected, startling the crowd.

Simultaneously, Tamera recoils, something inside me fractures. Tears my insides, breaks my bones. My vision sharpens, every scent overwhelming, including the smoke billowing overhead.

Next thing I know, Tamera's neck is between my teeth. Only, they're attached to a snout, razor-sharp. The sharp snap of her neck grounds me in reality.

I'm a wolf.

My jaw slackens, astounded that I shifted and ended someone's life seconds later. There was no control. My she-wolf desired nothing more than the death of this female who trespassed into our den, attempting to steal our pup and mate. Knowing Tamera had no other fate awaiting her doesn’t make taking a life easy.

Luckily, my mates have no such reservations.

"Moon!" Maddock pets my coat, trying to calm the storm raging in my skull. "We need to get out of here. Let me carry you." He doesn’t give me a choice, wrapping my wolf form in his alpha arms and sprinting outside butt naked. Kato and Knox are hot on our heels, also naked. Hendrix is the only one with any clothing. "Can you shift back for me, baby? The paramedics are coming." Sirens blast the air, signaling their approach.

As my wolf form dissolves, proud of protecting our family, I mentally scratch her ear in thanks. Maddock opens a car door and sets me inside.

Knox elbows Maddock aside, tracing my body until satisfied there are no injuries. "Here. Put this on, princess." He helps slip my arms into a giant t-shirt that hangs like a dress on me. "Drix had extra clothes in his trunk." Glancing around, I notice they're all in basketball shorts.

"Where's Evie?" I cry, attempting to exit the car in search of her.

"She's here, love. She's safe." Hendrix slides into the driver’s seat, Evie in his lap. We stare at each other for a long moment, a million silent apologies passing between us. "You're both safe now."

My lower lip trembles, and Kato squeezes in front of his twin. "Move!" He lifts me, sits down, and places me in his lap. Burying his face against the side of my neck, he breathes deeply. "Fuck, baby." He doesn't need to say more. The cacophony of sirens racing toward us underscores the horror of our situation.

Our love story started out rocky, almost sabotaged twice by a mentally ill woman. Now, as we watch my house go up in flames, it's almost fitting that our love rises from the ashes to begin anew. It's the only way to cleanse our souls of pain.
