My eyes fly to his face and I quickly pull my hand away from the drawer. I’ve never seen him blush but I want to see it again. It makes him look almost human. “What’s in the drawer that’s got you all embarrassed?” I tease.
“Nothing.” He’s far too quick with his response so I get to my knees and reach for the drawer again. He’s too quick. I don’t even have time to blink before he’s flipping me over and pinning me to the bed. I smile but the second our eyes catch, my smile melts away.
I can feel every inch of him as he presses into me. My entire body feels like it’s tingling in a pleasant way. Far too pleasantwhen I’m supposed to be still angry with him. Not that my temper has ever lasted longer than a few moments.
Aunt April used to say that my mood swings gave her whiplash. One second I’d be pissed enough to have metaphorical smoke coming out of my ears, the next I was calm and collected. I’m not sure why I’m like that, I just know it’s always been the same, even when I was a kid living on the streets.
Sometimes it even amazes me how quickly I can calm down, there’s something seriously wrong with me.
“You going to tell me what is in that drawer?” I ask, simply to distract myself from the feel of his hard body against mine.
“You going to tell me what the secret is that the twins know about you?”
“What secret?”
“Ah see I knew something was going on when I walked in and they both looked like they’d gained the upper hand. You, beautiful, just confirmed it.” His face is only an inch away from mine and I can’t help glancing from his lips to his eyes and back again. I want to know what it would feel like. I want to kiss him. My face feels like a furnace as I realise where my errant thoughts have taken me.
I blink and when I open my eyes, I’m back between the twins on the couch.
“He piss you off again?” Drew asks as he moves his arm to the back of the couch.
“Something like that.” I mumble trying to get comfortable without touching either of them. I’m not uncomfortable because I don’t want to touch them, it’s because I do. What I’m longing to do is more than touching but my head is all messed up because it’s not just them, its Parker as well. The three of them drive me insane, heat my blood and make me want things I swore to stay away from.
I’m not sure how long I stay sitting stiffly between the twins watching whatever movie is on the screen but after a while my body begins to relax.
How to break a twin
I wantto shout at Parker for scaring Gabriella like that, I know he’s over protective, I know why, but he needs to back off or she’ll run from all of us. I’m tempted to tell her our secret just so she’ll understand but my tongue remains glued to the roof of my mouth. I can’t get the words out, especially not with her lying on my shoulder snoring softly.
“We need to have a meeting.” Parker whispers as he comes back into the room. “Think you can convince her to go lay down in one of our beds?”
The way he says ‘our’ makes me think he’s wanting her in his room. I’m not going to let that happen. I gently shake Gabriella, waking her up enough to talk to her, “Come on, my room is this way, you can stay with me tonight.” I wait until Gabriella is on her feet then I steer her towards my room.
Her subtle nod is all it takes for me to gather her into my arms and carry her the rest of the way. Jamie follows me into my room, shutting and locking the door before Parker can even think to barge inside.
“Don’t snoop through his room, he hates that.” Jamie hisses before plopping down onto the bed. I drop Gabriella from a little higher than I probably should but she bounces and lands right next to Jamie with a soft giggle. “No giggling either, you’re supposed to be asleep, remember.” My idiot brother pokes his tongue out at her and she responds by poking hers out as well. My brain malfunctions as I get a glimpse of a silver piercing running through the middle of her tongue.
“Shit, babe, put that thing away. I’m only human you know.” I turn my back, trying to hide my body’s reaction to the thought of what she could do with a piercing there. To my surprise, Jamie rolls off the bed and runs off to the bathroom, his face a brilliant shade of red. “Babe, I think you broke my brother.” I laugh as he slams the door behind himself.
“Sorry, wasn’t trying to.”
“Want to get some more sleep? I’ll crash on the couch.” I don’t want to sleep on the couch, I’d rather wrap my arms around her soft flesh and sleep like that, but I think that might be pushing things a little too far.
Somehow time passes,between going to classes and hanging out with the twins and Parker, I find myself falling into a routine of sorts. After the big fight with Parker, he relaxed a little, allowing me moments to myself and trusting the twins to keep me safe while he wasn’t around. I honestly think he’s been following me because he shows up in the most random places and brings up the strangest topics. I don’t have the heart to tell him that I know he’s been following me because I actually enjoy being around him, the twins too for that matter. They help distract me from thoughts of my aunt. I know it’s not the healthiest coping mechanism but it’s all I’ve got right now.
I’m not sure how it happened but I started to think of the three of them as my friends.
About a week after the big fight, I find myself walking alone through the hallway heading to the bathroom when I’m stopped by the red-haired girl who faked a seizure. “Who the fuck do you think you are?” She snaps, getting right up into my face. She’s a strange girl, slightly taller than me, built like a cheerleader andshe always has this twist to her lips that makes her look like she’s sucking on one of those super sour candies.
“Excuse me?” I ask after far too long a delay for my response to be anything but sarcastic.
“You heard me,” She pokes my chest. “who the fuck are you to come into my school,” poke. “steal my boyfriend,” poke, “and my friends?” Poke.