She just vanished.Again.
This is getting annoying. How the hell am I supposed to keep her safe if she can disappear in the blink of an eye. No wonder someone is trying to kill her. I’m positive she was the target, after all, why leave a threat if the person you kill is the target?
I’ve searched the entire school. I can’t find her anywhere. The final bell of the day echoes around the halls before they begin filling up with students. I have no clue where else she could possibly be hiding. It’s not like she could leave the school grounds, even with her strange powers, there’s no way to get out of the grounds without someone letting the barrier down.
With my heart in my throat, I stomp my way to the dorms. The second the door to my shared rooms opens in front of me, I’m rushing into the room, pushing a startled Jamie out of the way and wrapping my arms around Gabriella. Relief washing over me at finding her safe and sound. “Don’t ever disappear on me like that again.” My entire body is shaking as I squeeze her to me.
“Dude, she needs to breathe you know.” Jamie growls trying to pull her out of my arms.
“Don’t care, not letting her go.” I grumble, sitting down on the closest couch while still holding her in my arms. She ends up twisted up, her feet still on the floor and her head pressed to my chest, right by my heart. With a sigh I release her long enough for her to stand back up, then grab her wrist and yank her onto my lap. “Nah ah, you’re not leaving my side.”
“Want to make a bet!”
My hands close around air before falling to my lap. I let out a growl before swivelling my head, searching for my lost girl.
“Quit doing that!” I snap as I locate her standing behind Drew near the door.
“I’ll stop doing it when you stop being such an overbearing asshole!” I swear I hear her whisper under breath, “And when I figure out how it keeps happening.”
My anger drowns out all my other senses as I shout back at her, “I’m not being a fucking asshole, I just want to keep you safe.”
“You can’t force someone to stay in a bubble of safety!”
The twins nod their heads in agreement with her and I turn my glare on them before snapping back to her, “You can’t ignore the fact that you’re in danger!”
“Fuck you. I’ve been in danger my entire life. How is now any different?”
“Aww, I hate it when mummy and daddy fight.” Drew stage whispers to Jamie.
“Shut up!” Both Gabriella and I snap at the same time.
She gives me a death stare then marches right into my bedroom, slamming the door behind her so hard the entire wall shakes. I slump to my ass on the couch, my head in my hands. “Why won’t she just listen?”
“Maybe because you’re trying to force her to do what you want.” Drew throws the stupid cushion from the couch at me, smacking me in the side of the face. I glare at him but tuck the cushion between my hands to stop myself from killing the fucker. Gabriella clearly likes him right now and I swore I wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.
It takesme two seconds to realise my mistake. The entire room smells just like Parker’s beach and coconut scent. If I hadn’t been so close to him not ten minutes ago, I wouldn’t have realised this is his room. My eyes go wide as I take in everything within the room at once. The walls are covered with printed pictures of the three guys. Most of them are happy moments but one or two here and there are of sad moments as well. One in particular catches my eye and I find myself gravitating towards it.
The picture is fascinating, not only are the guys somewhere in their early teens, but standing in front of them is a girl who looks a little like me. Same dark hair, same prominent cheekbones, but her eyes appear to be a vibrant green whereas mine are more of a dull blue. The similarities end there though, she’s much chubbier than I am, and by the look of things, she was about the same height as the guys. My curiosity wins out and I start searching the other photos for a clue as to who she is.
It’s not until I’ve passed the dresser, the open bathroom door and then the bed that I realise there’s a picture tucked in behind the last picture on the wall. In it the guys are standing in front of a grave, looking to be about the age they are now. The headstone reads: Messina Oak. Beloved friend.
I squint my eyes trying to read the date behind the twins’ legs. but the only numbers I can make out are the last two digits of the years. She would have been my age now if she hadn’t died three years ago. No other pictures show her face and none go back further than the day she died except the one with her in it. I’m curious enough to start poking around in his drawers to figure out who she was but the door opens before I get the chance.
“What are you doing?” Parker snaps as I slowly remove my hand from the handle of the bedside table.
“Looking for a tissue.” I keep my gaze on the drawers, to avoid his.
“Other side of the bed. Top drawer.”
His lack of shouting makes me move more than his words. I crawl across the bed on my stomach and reach out for the drawer, my hand closes around the cold metal.
“Wait. Let me. I….”