“Speaking of things mentioned earlier, I believe you’re making the point I tried to for me. You know, that this is a really bad idea. The fact you feel it necessary to equip us with a multi-step, tactical plan, andweaponry, like we’re being deployed to Desert Storm, might be a sign that I’m right?” Surely, they’ll all see reason and finally agree with me. I’m alwaysup for a party, good time… if it’s safe. This is not. I knew it before we got here, and now that we are on scene, my gut’s screaming in warning. I didn’t correct JT before, but this is my first frat party too… for reasons I’ll never list.
“Desert Storm ended well over two decades ago,” Brynny says. “Over before anyone in this car was even born.”
JT and Bellamy laugh, but I don’t think she’s funny — and scowl at her accordingly. “Brynny, as fascinated as I usually am by your amazing brain-bank of random factoids, I’m feeling sort of off tonight, so could ya maybe not? You know the point I was trying to make, so feel free to miss me with the pointless history lesson.”
“Sorry.” She pats my shoulder. “J, you’ve got Presley all wigged out. Now’d be a great time to tell her about the surprise.”
“Then it wouldn’t be a surprise,” he immediately chides the standard response, his tone telling me he’s a phony — anything but excited about this “surprise.”
“Jefferson,” Bellamy urges, “time is now, she needs a pick-me-up.”
“Fine,” he groans, turning to look at me. “Don’t say anything until I’m done talking, okay?”
“Oh yeah, good start, babe,” Bellamy giggles. “That’s exactly how I would’ve approached it.”
“Not helping, woman,” he grumbles at her, then pleads with me. “Seriously, P, let me finish first. Okay?”
“Did you hear me speak?” I bulge my eyes out in nervous impatience and roll a hand in the air, urging him to get on with it. Not a fan of surprises — especially ominous ones, sprung on me, nowhere near a holiday or my birthday, while parked.
“Swear you won’t hit, kick, bite or physically attack me in any way. And no payback, ever. Zero revenge, I mean it. No public humiliation, no setting me on fire, and definitely no shaving my head in my sleep, again. Swear to me, P.”
Seems I’m not the only one feeling “off” tonight — he forgot the “Holy Grail” of Squad rules — “no tapping-in another member to do your dirty work for you.” Dumbass.
“Swear,” I quickly reply before he realizes his grave mistake and adds it to the list.
He sighs heavily, then fesses up. “I may have already ensured that you will find a date tonight.”
“Why the hell would you do that?” I screech, punching the back of his seat, wishing I hadn’t sworn not to punch him. “All that talk about Sutton, and ‘clearing the roster,’ like you were rooting for him? Which you should be, he’s your friend! What was that, just a bunch of bullshit? Huh? And hello, paintball, today, he was with me? After spending the night? Which you also knew! Nope. Not cool.” I shake my head. “Pretty fucking shitty, J. Shitty cousin, shitty friend. I don’t want any part of it. Take me home.”
“Told ya,” Bellamy snickers, reaching over her headrest to high-five Brynn.
“Told who what?” I hiss, more than done with surprises. Her reaction a huge one.
“You’ll see,” JT chuckles, also unexpected after an ass-checking. “Not taking ya home. You’re going in, gonna have to trust me.”
“Because of your recent stellar record with that? Yeah, trusting the fuck outta ya right about now. Pepper spray, blind set-up with a frat boy… remind me to call and change you to my “decide whether or not to pull the plug” person tomorrow.”
“Just get your ass out of the car, Princess Pants,” he laughs.
“Whatever,” I grumble. “But there better be a mutt-pound-rescue-puppy waiting for me somewhere in the shitshow I’m about to enter.”
“A what?” Brynny laughs.
“Nothing. You’re one of them, in cahoots, you don’t deserve my secrets.”
She just laughs harder.
As do her cohorts.
And though I’m not actually that mad, even fighting a small smile, the weirdest, unimaginable thought sneaks up on me… amongst my Squad, I feel alone. Without my person.
The one, that no matter how stubborn, pissy, or irrational I’m being, is on my side.
Sometimes out loud, more often silent, with just a simple wink, grin, or touch of support.
I miss Sutton…