Page 39 of Elusive

Chapter 14


By the time we went to Sutton’s and switched from the Harley to his truck, drove through and waited way too long for fast food, then finally made it to the pound… it was closed for the day. Which I admit, left me a bit salty.

Picking up on that fact, and having to work tonight anyway, Sutton left — and I sat around — bored, alone, and pissy, until JT called. Nothing better to do, and the only one who truly knows what a terrible idea this is — so I’ll be hyper aware of our surroundings my focus on keeping everyone safe — I’m on my way to…

“Okay, let’s review one more time. We’re going to a frat party because? They’re dumb as fuck? Unsafe? You’re not in a frat? Half of us already graduated? Gimme something here, J, I’m running out of guesses,” I gripe at him from his backseat.

“Because…” Bellamy chimes in, riding as designated co-captain in the passenger seat, “it’s at Camden’s fraternity. Brynn might not admit it out loud, but she really wants to go. Don’t ya?”

I look at Brynny, beside me in the back, one antsy wiggle in her seat as she inspects a strand of her hair. “I’m not completely opposed to going. Might be fun.” She shrugs. “And, I’ve never been to one. Try everything once, right?”

“See?” Bellamy chirps. “Even closer toadmitting it than I expected! And maybe if we’re super lucky, we’ll find you a new guy to add to your dating roster, Presley.”

“Had there ever been aroster… it’s… it’s been cleared,” I clear whatever just caught in my throat. “Very subtle try by the way. But, I’ll see your cockamamie bullshit attempt, and raise you two follow-up questions. Where is it Uncle Dane thinks Brynny’s headed tonight, and who did the lying to him?”

JT jumps on answering. “Dad was told the truth, by me. That Brynny’s going out with me, you and Bellamy, and would you lookie here, that’s exactly what’s happening. My turn now, I’d like to revisit to the whole ‘cleared roster’ thing. Did you mean totally cleared, or cleared except, andfor Sutton?”

“Since I seem to be the only one in this damn car who knows what the word roster means, let me give ya a quick vocabulary lesson. A roster means… wait for it…. a list. Assuming you all know what a list is, now ask yourselves, if I hadone of those, to clear, or not to clear, why would I have asked for help finding dates?” I pause, giving everyone a minute to catch the hell up, and interpret their prolonged silence as realization, so I move on. “Brynny, about this frat party, I think it’s a badddd idea. And what’s going on with Ryder? I thought you were really feeling him? He’s so good to you?”

“As good as Sutton is to you?” She snaps right back, one brow hitched in honor of hypocrisy.

“It’s n-”

“The same? The hell if it isn’t. Don’t throw stones at me, Princess. I know how to catch.”

“Touché, you little shit. What’s gotten into you lately?”

“Age. Age… and moderate to severe nausea. I may be the youngest in the Squad, but I’m not the youngest on the planet, and I’m sick of being treated like it. I’m nineteen years old, older than Mom was when she got with Dad, lived in a dorm, went to parties. I like Ryder, a lot. He’s a great guy, and I never said I wasn’t still interested in him, but we’re not an official anything, so I’m doing absolutely nothing wrong by slowly exploring a slight attraction to Camden. Which is, in fact, all I’m doing. So you, Presley Alexandra Beckett, aren’t allowed to serve me up any sermons about stuff you don’t practice! How hard would you laugh if Pastor Floyd preached about not drinking when he parks, almost daily, in front of Last Sip liquor. At least pull around back there, Holy Hypocrite!”

“Talk about sermons… you done yet?”

“Almost. One final thought, that you may wanna think on… Sutton’s head-over-heels for you, yet you try your damndest to make him miserable. Why is that?”

“Brynn, that’s enough,” JT barks. “P wasn’t nasty to you, she said one thing, nicely, because she cares. You’re way out of line, taking out your frustrations on her in one long-ass bitchy monologue. Apologize. Now.”

“It’s okay, no apology needed.” I reach over and squeeze Brynn’s knee. “I know exactly where you’re coming from… all too well. Don’t get me wrong, we’re lucky to have such a tight-knit family, and chill, down-to-earth parents who’d literally do anything for any of us, but the flip side of that can get a little old. Always under a microscope, everyone thinking they know what’s best for you, and telling you often, in front of everyone else. I can only imagine how hard it is being the baby, but trust me, being the oldest is no cakewalk. All you mofo’s owe me for paving the way. When y’all fucked up, it wasn’t as big of a deal… ‘cause I’d already done it first. Broke ‘em in. You’re welcome.”

“Never thought about it like that. I’m sorry, P,” sweet Brynny sighs.

“Nah, don’t be.” I shrug, giving her a smile. “You’re right about the Sutton part. I’m working on being… more open to things with him, though. I just… honestly, I worry I’ll end up hurting him in the long-run. But you’re still right, I really should go all-in… or out. Anyway,” I stop before saying too much, “we’re good, Brynny. Promise.”

“I just care about you too, P. You’re, well kinda like my hero. One of them anyway. I want you happier than happy. Plus, you do realize… we’re the last two standing… alone that is.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake! Go easy back there, Thelma and Louise. You’re not exactly old maids yet!” JT yells his interruption. “As you pointed out, you’re nineteen, Brynn. You’re supposed to be standing alone.

“Jefferson, lower your voice, and let them talk. Your help isn’t needed.” Bellamy calmly schools him.

“They’re done talking. We’re here.”

I glance out the window and see that we’ve pulled up in front of a house on campus — it, and the street, both filled way past capacity — and roll my eyes clear to the back of my head. From where I sit, still in the car, it looks identically stereotypical of every college party in the history of “bad idea then, worse idea now.” There’s bodies, beer cans, and, ofcourse, toilet paper strewn everywhere. I understand the first two, but the age-old fascination with toilet paper has always stumped me. And I swear to God, if Long Duck Fucking Dong falls out of a tree and lands on top of me — we’re leaving.

Since we’re here, opening our doors would seem the natural next step, which is why we… start to open our doors… stopped cold by a harsh bark from JT. “Close ‘em, lock ‘em, and listen up, ladies! Mandatory pre-party speech, every word counts. There’s three of you, and one of me, so I need ya to act right, help me out, not kidding. Party Rule A, see that guy with the hose in his mouth?” He points, and it takes a second to spot the exact dumbass he’s indicating in the sea of such. “That’s a beer bong. If your name starts with a ‘B,’ don’t even thinkabout that shit. If your name’s Presley, can’t tell you what to do, but I’d advise against it. Rule B, the girl by the kiddie pool, being held upside down? Called a keg stand. Again, no fucking way! Not only is it a no because, because it’s a no, but also due to the shocking bonus factor, that being held upside down shows her tits. If any of you lets one of yours flop out, I’ll whoop your ass all the way back to this car. Moving on, only take a drink from my hand. If you have to go to the bathroom, tell me first, so we can make an adventure out of it, ‘cause you’re all going, in a group, while I guard the door. This is a biggie, if ever, ladies, I can’t see you, you’re standing in the wrong damn spot! And rule number … whichever I’m on… if you feel uncomfortable at any time, scream…” he rubs his jaw while pondering, and hopefully, taking a damn breath, “funeral! Hell yes, perfect code word. Pretty proud of myself on that one. ‘Funeral,’ get it? Whoever’s fucking with you will be having one soon. Nice, right? And ‘fire’ would just cause panic, mass chaos, making it harder to find you. Be sure though, no crying ‘wolf funeral,’ ‘cause I’ll come rollin’ in hot, no questions asked. Be a shame to kill a man by mistake. And last but not least, I’ve got a bottle of pepper spray for each of you. Handle with care, people, these are not toys! One wrong move and you’ll be sorry. And in respiratory distress. Oh and possibly temporarily blinded.”

He reaches past Bellamy to open the glove box, and sure enough, pulls out three bottles of pepper spray. I thought he was kidding; he’s never gone to these extremes before, when we’ve went… anywhere. “Excuse me, Sergeant Shithead?” I tap his shoulder. “What’s with the extra precautionary measures tonight?”

“Like I said earlier, Private PainInMyAss, there’s threeof you, oneof me, and hundreds of them. Also as mentioned before, this is Bellamy and Brynn’s first frat party, so unlike any other type of party… that’s a factorI considered while prepping.”