Chapter 7
Answered my text — for the first time in months — when I needed her the most. Sent in the cavalry to save me. Played some ball, while she played with me, making sure to pop her ass out in my direction every time she got in her stance. Wiggled it all over my shoulders, barely covered in the black bikini. This whole day’s been a non-stop reel of reminders I didn’t need…
I’m crazy about Presley Alexandra Beckett. Have been for a while. Never stopped. Doubt I could stop, even if I wanted to, which I don’t. Never did, but had to try. So crazy over her in fact, I haven’t taken my eyes off the front door of the club since I started my shift, just waiting for that first glimpse of her.
They finally arrive, and in spite of my deep-thoughts session, I know the second they do. Not because I see her, but believe it or not, because I hear her — over the music, above the raucous noise of a club — causing a commotion the likes of which only Presley can.
I weave through the crowd, toward the entrance, and… grin. What a pistol my Hot Shot is, dressed in a little skin-tight, black number, no bra or panties underneath. A man knows these things. And she knows that I know, upon sight, that she’s bare beneath the purposeful packaging. Once I can force my eyes up to her face, I find her cheeks red, that sexy mouth pursed and both hands propped on the curvy hips where mine belong.
“What seems to be the problem here, Miss?” I laugh.
“There isn’t one.” Malakai, the bouncer on door duty, holds up his hands in surrender, eyes wide with worry. “Been begging to tell her to go right on in, but when she asked where you were and I told her working Section A, she flipped shit.”
“Shhh, I can’t hear,” Presley scolds us, phone to her ear. “Daddy?” she barks into her cell. “What time is it?”
“What the… her dad?” Malakai panics. “I didn’t do nothin’ wrong.”
“Relax,” JT tells him. “It’s not about you. Not exactly sure what it is about, yet, but it’s definitely not you. I’ll vouch for ya if there’s any confusion.”
“Well pull back your phone and look at it! And you’re of acceptable age to wear a big-faced watch if that’ll solve the problem.” Presley’s still throwing a cute lil’ fit, foot tapping out a fast beat. “How many times have you chewed my butt for losing track of time? See how easy it is to do now? And you always thought I was lying.”
I take Brynn by the elbow gently and talk low, so as to not “interrupt” Pres. “Wait right inside here with me, little one. Getcha off the sidewalk while your cousin… finishes her call. Bellamy, you too.”
“Bellamy’s fine,” JT growls, pulling her taut to his side. “But good lookin’ out on Brynny.”
“That’s right, it is ten o’clock. And what time did I say we’d be here? Ten o’clock. So why did Malakai just inform me that Sutton’s still working the floor? You promised!” She listens, nodding, her face gradually breaking into a smile. “Okay, thank you, love you.” Pause. “No, no tone, Daddy. No, no yelling either, it’s just really loud here.” Another pause, and I get a glare that screams, ‘you owe me.’ A debt I’ll be happy to pay. “Yes, sir. Thank you again. I’m putting him on now.” She hands her phone to Malakai, who reaches out to take it in slow motion, staring at the device like he’s about to meet his doom.
“Good… uh… good evening, sir,” he says.
“What did you do? Don’t get him in trouble,” I grumble at Presley.
“I would never, Mal’s my main man. Daddy is the one in trouble. Well, he was, until I was. Why didn’t any of you warn me that I was getting too mouthy?”
“How are we supposed to tell?” Bellamy spouts it, then gasps, as if she didn’t mean to say it out loud. “What I meant-”
“Is exactly what you said,” Presley laughs. “My bad, guess I deserved the ass-chewing at the end.”
Malakai’s still nodding, listening, and seeming much more at ease. “Yes sir, no problem. You have a good night too.” He hangs up, and after a huge huff of relief, hands P her phone. “Girl, you could’ve just told me what was up. I’d have taken care of it for you, without the damn phone call!”
“I’m sorry, Mal.” She pushes up on her tiptoes, kissing him on the cheek. “I didn’t look past my chance to throw in his face all the times he jumped my butt for the same thing. But I’ll make sure and mention how nice you were, promise. Still love me?” She bats those long eyelashes at the helpless schmuck.
“Hell yes, you sexy brat.” He wraps her up in a bear hug. “And you,” he lets go of Pres and slaps my shoulder, “are off-duty for the rest of the night. I’ll get Roman to take your section. Go on, have some fun for me too.”
“You sure? I don’t wanna leave y’all short-handed.”
“Yes, he’s sure. If they get slammed, I’ll tend bar.” Presley smiles at me, really smiles, absent of anything besides a sincere desire for my happiness… at least for tonight.
“The hell you say,” Malakai laughs. “No more talks with your dad tonight. Now get gone, you’re holding up my line.”
“Thanks again, Mal. Okay, let’s do this.” I move aside, giving them room to corral in, and the second Camden’s beside Brynn, I step down from my watch on her to close in on Presley. “You’ve just been doing me solids all day, haven’t ya? How will I ever repay you?”
“By telling me you have an extra shirt in your locker. The black t-shirt part looks good, but the neon ‘staff’ across your chest isn’t quite doing it for me. The jeans, however,” her eyes peruse down, and slowly back up as she licks her lips, “can definitely stay.”
I dip my head, mouth to her ear. “Like the jeans, huh? I’ll see your compliment and raise you one changing of my shirt. Where you gonna be?”
“Don’t know. Guess you’ll have to come find me.”