Page 22 of Elusive

“Mother, let’s practice saving private thoughts for private conversations, maybe?” Sky’s face scrunches in disgust. “And Daddy, you’re forgetting a very important next milestone.”

“What’s that, daily doses of Metamucil and Viagra?” He groans.

“Again, filters, parentals! And no, grandbabies!”

“Judd Parker Allen, if you knocked up my-”

“Back it up, Kendrick.” Uncle Evan steps forward. “Grandchildren will be a blessing someday, made from love. My son doesn’t do any knocking up; she’s his wife.”

“You’re right, I didn’t mean that, and my mid-life crisis is no excuse. My apologies to you both,” Dane says sincerely.

“HELLO! Am I the only one who heard the important part? Oh my God, are we pregnant?” Aunt Whitley defines new decibels as her arms, legs, whole body do seizure-like things.

“Not yet, Mama,” Judd laughs. “But, we’re not not trying.”

I grin knowingly at Sky, more a sister than cousin. “And, movies, huh? Me thinks you really meant you couldn’t go out tonight because of practice, and a new no-drinking precaution. As the baby’s Godmother, first aunt, and all-around favorite person ever, I fully support your wise decisions.”

The great-aunts and grandmas-to-be can contain it no longer — descending like a pack of she-wolves, hot on the scent of baby — so I back away… and into Sutton.

Growled heat finds my ear. “Gave away your date, ya know.” I nod as he gives a low laugh. “One less thing in our way. See ya tonight, Hot Shot.”