As if I could.
He returns with a warm washcloth in hand and takes great care to clean me up, then goes to toss it in the hamper.
He then crawls in bed beside me and pulls the covers up over us, rolling on his side to face me.
“Alright, all settled. Now tell me about Gatlin.”
I blow out a labored, from stress and the great sex, breath. “I talked to him today. He’s got some crazy theory he should leave because there can’t be two roosters in one henhouse. Whatever that means.” I roll my eyes.
“Smart guy, he’s right,” he replies immediately, tone adamant.
“Keaton, that’s crazy. You have your own farm to tend. I need help with this one. You know Gatlin and I are just friends. Why would it bother you?”
“Because I have a dick, you’re my woman and I don’t want you depending on another man for a God damn thing. That’s myjob. Anything and everything you need? That’s all me, baby. And you can’t say this is one of my macho things, ‘cause he knew it too. Would you like it—”
“Spare me,” I stop him. “Gatlin already asked me if I’d like other women helping you. I wouldn’t. But how do I take care of my farm? Hire a bunch of women just dying to do heavy lifting and grueling physical labor?”
“Do you believe in coincidences?” he asks and an icy shiver chills through me…Gatlin had asked me the exact same thing. What are the odds on that? Slim to none I’m guessing, and yet, it just happened.
I give the same reply now as I did then. “No, I really don’t.”
“Me either.” Uh oh, he breaks out his smug smile. “Which is why, when I ran into the King family today, I knew it was fate.”
I roll my hand for him to go on…his story telling still having not improved a lick.
“You know them, Mike and Bri? Little girl named Brooke?”
“Um, I vaguely remember her from school I think. Why?”
“Sweet lil’ family, trying to build themselves a nice life. They asked me if I knew any place for them to rent or lease to own, start up their own farming business.”
Not sure where this is going…not sure I’m gonna like it.
“Henny,” he pulls me against him, resting our foreheads together, “you in this with me, forever?”
It’s been somewhat of a whirlwind, our transformation, but not one I haven’t embraced and enjoyed. The winds didn’t knock me over, they blew through my hair and helped me to see through the trees.
“Yes,” I whisper whole-heartedly. “I am.”
“Like hearing that, baby girl,” he grunts, kissing me. “So I was thinking, if you and me fully intend to be a we, forever, we don’t need two huge farms.”
My skin goes clammy, a cold sweat breaking out on my forehead. “What are you saying, exactly?” My voice is a muted tremor.
“Just hear me out.” He holds me tighter, stroking my hair. “Either one of our farms are big enough to add the others’ livestock to it. We could even move some fencing and combine part of the two, and work one farm, together. Rent the other to the Kings. Less work, us living together, seems perfect to me.”
“Perfect?” I scoff, pulling away from him to make sure he sees the horror on my face. “So which one of us is giving up their childhood home? Their family’s legacy?”
“Whichever one of us you decide, baby. Totally up to you. I’d give up everything I have to start a real, combined life, and eventually, a family with you. House is a house. You’re my future and I can be happy and make new memories with you anywhere.”
“Don’t you think it’s a little soon to be talking about living together?”
“Not a damn bit. I’ll move tomorrow, say the word.”
“Wouldn’t your parents be upset?”
“Not if I’m happy. They moved, remember? My decision.”
I sit up, running my hands through my hair, fighting off my building headache. “I have to think. I’m gonna go take a hot shower then come back to bed. When I do, don’t bring it back up. I’ll let you know when I’m ready to even remotely discuss it again.”
“Whatever you say.” He leans over and kisses my shoulder. “Take all the time you need.”