BOURBON OPTS FOR STAYINGinside. A tad disheartening, but I have to start facing the reality of his age and the effects the gradual drop in temperature have on him.
And most importantly, I make sure I use every bit of time I have left with him ensuring his comfort and constantly showing him how much I love him.
I hear Keaton pull in the driveway and grab my purse, hurrying to be outside before he honks. But when I open the door, I crash smack dab into his chest with an “oomph,” because there he stands.
“Sorry, I figured you’d just honk.” I bounce off the brick wall that’s his massive frame and he reaches out to steady me.
“You thought I’d sit on my ass in the truck and honk, to beckon you?” He seems to be debating between shocked and aggravated.
“Well yeah.” I shrug, not quite understanding what it is we’re discussing. “What’s weird about that?”
“Are you sure you don’t wanna write down the list? Getting pretty long.” When I stay quiet, he scrubs a hand on the back of his neck and adds, “Did you date, at all, while you were gone?”
I shake my head.
“Good, less fucktards I have to track down and teach some damn manners to. So, just the one asshole responsible for your low expectations?”
“Merrick is the only guy I’ve ever dated. I think that answers all your long-winded questions, yes.”
“It does.” He reaches behind me, checking the lock and shutting the door. While he leads me to his truck with a hand on my back, he returns to talk of the ever-growing list.
“Hen, if I ever honk at you rather than come up to get you, walk with you, and open your door, either my legs are broken or I’ve had a stroke. Or both, ‘cause I shouldn’t be driving if both my legs are broken. So call 9-1-1 immediately. You’re a lady. My lady. And you will always be treated as such. That goes on my side of the list of rules.”
“Whatever you say, macho man. I really wouldn’t have minded.” I climb in the truck while he holds open my door.
“Well you should mind. I promise, I won’t ever take you for granted and get lazy on ya, babe.” With a wink and chaste kiss, he shuts my door and walks around to his side.
I fidget with my hands and hem of my shirt, trying to pretend we’re headed anywhere besides Merrick’s office. My throat’s beyond parched, so dry it hurts to swallow. And my heartbeat, if taken right now, would get me admitted into the hospital…for observation at the very least.
“Hey.” He uses one hand to steer and the other to hold mine. “Relax, baby girl. Everything is gonna be fine today. There’s nothing he can do about it now that we know, and there’s less than nothing that you can’t handle. I believe in you.”
“What if I can’t though? He’s sneaky and knows a bunch of legal mumbo jumbo that makes no sense to me.”
“Henley, you know me better than that. When I tell you that I’ve got you and I’ve laid all the groundwork, what do you think that means?”
I gulp the best I can down a scratchy throat. “I’m afraid to find out.
That tickles him. “It means, I’m not going to just sit there and intimidate him. That’s a given. I’ve got my lawyer meeting us there to overlook all the paperwork for any funny business. I’ve paid his retainer and he now represents you too, thus firing Merrick and his firm. Oh, and if anything else happens I don’t like, I’ve got a likin’ for beating Merrick’s ass. Trust me, we’re covered.”
“Okay.” I don’t know why I even bother saying it; that weak attempt didn’t convince either of us.
“And, I’m gonna let it pass that you failed to notice, since I know you’re distracted, that I’m wearing my lucky belt buckle. What could go wrong?”
I glance over and sure enough, he’s got on the buckle I bought him. And as predicted, it looks damn good on him. This cheers me up some and it’s me who squeezes his hand this time.
“Thank you, Keaton. You’re very good to me and I…I appreciate it. In fact, I’ll make ya a deal.”
“Oh yeah?” His voice drops an octave. “What’s that?”
Here I go, my first step in showing him how I feel, like Bourbon advised. I take a deep breath and say it all on the exhale. “If everything works out and the day ends well, I’ll take that shiny buckle off for you later.”
WE WALK IN THEoffice and Addison’s head pops up, her face immediately paling to a ghostly white. She jumps out of her chair and runs to stand in front of Keaton, visibly shaking.
“W…what are you doing here? And with her?” She glares me up and down, her sneer even uglier than the last time I saw it.
Guess she hasn’t saved up enough for that Botox yet. Should’ve bribed Merrick to pay for that in return for her silence, ‘cause I can assure you, sleeping with him isn’t worth it.
“You know exactly why I’m here and with Henley,” he answers her calmly.