Page 90 of Close Knit

“You’re right, Erin.” I sigh. “I’m going to make a post and take a break until I’m ready to log back on. Maybe after the holidays.”

I already have the next two weeks of content planned out. I’ll schedule those sporadically and make sure my sponsored posts are up. Then I can delete the apps and stay offline.

People take breaks for the holidays all the time. My community won’t just disappear.

“Good.” She smiles, glancing at the corner of her screen, likely checking our time. “Talk soon, Daphne. If you need anything, I’m a call away.”

“Thank you.”

Closing my laptop, I take a deep breath. I feel so much better than yesterday. Sometimes all I need is a good cry, binging on all my favorite snacks, a debrief with a therapist, and some grace to allow myself to feel shitty. It’s a deep cut, and it’s impractical to think it will heal overnight.

I wish I had asked Cameron to stay the night. I didn’t want him to think I couldn’t take care of myself. But he was there for me when I needed it most, and I can trust him.

It takes me an hour to craft the perfect caption and schedule my posts, but once it’s done, I hit publish and delete the apps from my phone. My nerves are still a bit fried, but there’s a sense of relief washing over me. Tomorrow is a new day.

Just one more thing to do.


Thank you for being there for me last night.



I mean it. I’m only a door away.

Now more than ever, I don’t want to be alone or out in public. The weather outside matches my dreary mood. Maybe Cameron and I can lean on each other for the next month. Surely, after the New Year, no one will be talking about that article. Like he said, it will blow over.


Want to come over for dinner?

Shrek 2?


I’ll grab some salads for us on the way home.


You mean turkey club sandwiches from Petal & Plate right?

Extra cranberry sauce. :)


Be there at 8.

My anxiety dances around my body. I walk over to the bathroom and glance in my full-sized mirror. I make myself big. I stand up on my tiptoes and reach my arms overhead.Take up space.I swallow a deep breath and shoot it out of me, pulling funny faces until I manage to get myself to smile a little. But I still need to get my hands busy.

I can survive forty-six days offline. I’ve been wanting to knit my first rug for my bedroom. That should take a month, and I can make beanies for the local hospitals too. I probably have the yarn I ordered downstairs. I slip on my slippers and open my door to a huge bouquet of…lettuce? Flowers and lettuce and pods of peas.

I grab the card.

Sticks & Stems & Seeds

For Duck - From Goose