I just want him back.
Maybe one day I’ll find a way to live without him.
I can’t imagine that happening, but he left me no choice.
Surf and feel your life be changed forever.
~ Nossa Company
Iwalk home from my talk with Kai, lighter than air. Most people don’t get the kinds of second chances I’m being offered.
Bodhi and I might be building something new together. Only time will tell.
I’m surfing again.
And, even Kai and I might be redefining our dynamic.
The crisp morning breeze blows past me, ruffling my hair. But warm rays of sunshine peek through the misty morning fog, reminding me winter is receding and spring is on the way to Marbella.
My phone rings in my pocket, so I pull it out. Leilani’s beautiful face fills the screen.
I answer the call, and her voice brings a smile to my face.
“Aloha, Kah! I was this close to sending out a missing persons report on you.”
“Shush. You were not.”
“You used to call me every day.”
“The phone goes both ways, Lei.”
“I know! I know. I’m busy helping your poor uncle run the truck, and I’ve been riding a lot. But there’s no excuse. Sometimes I think of calling, but then I don’t know what you need. So, I don’t. Today, I had to call. I’ve got news! I’m going to be at a thing in Huntington Beach. Vans is putting on a surf expo and my agent arranged for me to be there since Vans is one of my sponsors.”
“You’re coming to California?”
“Looks like it. How far are you from Huntington Beach?”
“If you don’t count the one hour ferry ride, we’re only about two and a half hours north of there. I’ll make it happen! I can’t believe I’m going to get to see you.”
“I can’t believe you want to.”
“Stop it. You know I do.”
“I’m mostly kidding. That’s why I called. I’m so stoked. I miss you like crazy.”
“I miss you too.”
I know I’ve pushed Leilani away. I had to. I needed the space to get my head on straight after the accident. Maybe, in his own way, Bodhi needed that too, only his dive was deeper and his darkness more profound.
“I’ve got news for you too,” I say.
“You and Bodhi are getting married?”
“No! No.” I shake my head and nearly roll my eyes. “We’re still taking things one day at a time. But it’s promising.”