“The shitty reception during Barnum’s first call has me thinking it came from the cabin. My guess is, he secured Shayna there and drove to the store for supplies. He knew the cell coverage would be better than deep in those woods and decided to make his second call from there.” The back door swung open, and Cole turned to Eddie, who had his duffle slung over his shoulder. “Deborah and her son all taken care of?”
“Yeah.” He drew his pistol, racked back the slide to make sure there was a round in the chamber, then jammed it back into the holster. “This whole thing with Barnum and then seeing Viking’s vest and big-ass rifle bag scared the piss out of Greg.”
“I think he also feels bad about Shayna because he has a little crush on her.” Calliope checked her weapon with the ease of someone who’d done it countless times before. “I’m pretty sure that’s a good part of the reason he’s going back to rehab.”
“Shayna iswayout of his league.” A cool gust of wind blew a cluster of curls over Marigold’s face, and she dragged them back to tuck behind her ear.
“True statement.” Calliope skillfully slipped her big Ka-Bar knife with the stacked leather grip into the sheath at her right thigh.
The knife had been passed down from Calliope’s great grandfather, to her grandfather, then to her father, who’d given it to her.
“Anyway, Shayna has big plans, and they don’t include getting involved with a guy like Greg or any guy, for that matter.” Marigold shivered and wrapped her arms tightly around herself.
“You’re freezing.” Viking reached in and found a sweatshirt in his bag. “Here, put this on.”
He helped her tug on the camo print shirt and stepped back to take in the sight of her. The hem hit her at the knees, and the sleeves hung well below her fingertips. Something as simple as seeing her in his sweatshirt made him feel territorial.
She lifted the collar to her nose, her eyes drifted shut, and she inhaled a deep breath. Her gaze lifted to his, and as he stared into her beautiful, brown, doe eyes, every protective instinct within him thundered to life and he was struck with a startling clarity. Without hesitation, he would dowhateverwas necessary to protect this kindhearted, strong, loving, and unique woman. Even kill the man who’d dared to hurt her.
“Let’s load up.” Cole’s command broke the connection between them. “According to Sammy’s intel, it appears the road that used to lead to the cabin is completely blocked. She spoke with a ranger who’s familiar with the park. He said, because of the way the tributaries zigzag through that part of the reservoir, the only viable access point is via the Bull Run Occoquan Trailhead. So that’s where Barnum will be, and I want to beat him there.”
Cole pressed a button on the fob for his Range Rover. There was abeep,and the hydraulic springs hissed when the bottom half of the rear tailgate lowered and the top part swung slowly upward. While everyone stowed their gear, he unhooked Carter’s baby seat from the middle of the back seat and lifted it out. Dulce walked with him to install it in Sebastian’s Mercedes. The two of them spoke in hushed tones only they could hear, then shared a passionate kiss and hugged before heading back to the group.
Viking loaded his and Calliope’s rifles last, then strolled back over to Marigold. He walked her through operating his truck, told her about some of the special features, and handed her the fob.
“I promise, we’ll bring Shayna back.” He held her face in his hands and stroked her chilly, pink cheeks with his thumbs.
“I know you will.” She raised to her tiptoes and looped an arm around his neck, careful not to squish Nicky between them. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” He circled his arms around her body, lifted her off the ground, and held her in place against him. He pressed his lips to hers and infused the kiss with all of the love and commitment he felt for her before reluctantly ending it.
“Please be careful,” she whispered.
“Always.” He lowered her to the ground, stroked the kitten’s back, and climbed into Cole’s SUV. He lifted his hand to her in a slight wave and shut the door with a solidthump.
She stepped back next to Dulce. They looped their arms and tilted their heads together. The two of them had shared a special bond since they were little girls. It had deepened further when they were shot at and both witnessed Cole almost being killed when Dulce was kidnapped. They were intimately aware of how dangerous it was to be part of the Dark Ops team.
He watched Marigold in the side mirror as the SUV headed toward the edge of the parking lot and could see the concern on her face.
Cole turned onto the street. Calliope and Eddie quietly talked through potential problems that could crop up during the op. The boutique faded behind them, and a light rain began to fall. The cloud cover turned everything dreary shades of gray that blended together to create a growing sensation of urgency and restlessness.
“I want to be the one to take Barnum down.” Viking stared out the front window.
“Not a problem.” Cole flipped on his wipers and increased his speed.
Cliff checked the time. Goldie should be leaving to meet him in less than thirty minutes. He increased his speed, determined to be there at the right time. It would be tight, but he would make it. With each mile closer to his destination, his excitement grew.
Goldie sparked the pilot light on his fury the day she sat on that witness stand and aired their private business. His anger and determination continued to grow with each day since that fucking cell door slammed shut and locked behind him.
Cliff had a little surprise planned for her. One she would never see coming.
Coleflippedoffhisheadlights and slowed to a crawl as they passed the narrow one-lane strip of asphalt that led to the Bull Run Occoquan Trailhead.
Viking leaned forward to see around him. “Car’s not down there.”
His team leader continued driving for about a quarter of a mile until they came to a wooden sign that read Regional Park Central Maintenance.