“Okay, fine.” He bent his knees, lowered himself to look in her eyes, and pointed his finger. “But you go straight to the Houldcrofts’. Agreed?”
“Agreed.” She nodded and smiled at him like he’d given her a rare gift.
“I would stay here with you, but I’ll need to nurse Carter soon, and he’s on his last diaper.” Dulce made a goofy face. “I’ve been suffering from serious mom brain lately.”
“I have a better solution. I’ll send someone here from my security detail.” Sebastian held up his hand when he thought Marigold might protest. “They’ll let you know when they’re here and, if you prefer, they’ll wait outside in their car. Then they’ll follow you back to our house.”
“For heaven’s sake, Marigold. Look at this man.” Hanna pointed toward Viking’s face. “Don’t you think he’ll feel better knowing someone has your back while he’s off taking care of Dickweed?”
“Dickweed?” Dulce drew back and gave her mom a surprised look. “Go, Mom.”
“Actually, I was going to say that I like that plan.” Marigold cuddled up to Viking’s side. “I’m not dumb enough to turn down such a generous offer.” She patted the center of his chest. “And anyway, I can’t have Sasquatch here worrying about me.”
“Gee, thanks.”Smart-ass. He kissed the top of her head.
“You’re very welcome.” She gave him a cheesy smile and batted her eyelashes at him.
God, he loved her.
Across the hall, in the small employee lunch room, Eddie finished his conversation with Deborah, and she and Greg stood. She whispered something to her son, and they started toward the group.
“Well?” His mother nudged Greg forward. “Go ahead.”
“I’m sorry for all the problems I’ve caused, for dropping off that note, and for what happened to your friend.” Head down, his eyes lifted to Marigold for a brief second before dropping again. “I never meant to hurt anyone.”
“I’m sure you didn’t, Greg. But actions have consequences.” Marigold reached out and set her hand on the kid’s forearm. Viking’s entire body tensed, ready to take the kid to the floor if he so much as sniffed in her direction. “I just hope you’ve learned from this.” Her hand fell away, and Viking relaxed.
“Oh, he’s learned from it, all right.” Deborah looked mad enough to chew nails. “Greg has agreed to return to rehab, andthis time, he’s going to stay.” She shot him a frustrated look. “Isn’t that right, young man?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Shame slumped his shoulders, and, if possible, his head hung lower.
“Deborah, here are the keys to my rental car.” Eddie dug a key fob from his pocket.
“No, thank you.” Chin high, she avoided looking at him. “I’ll contact a car service.” Her voice was standoffish with a trace of hurt.
“Deborah, please, just use my car.” He lifted her hand, set the fob on her palm, and curled her fingers around it. “I’ll pick it up later.”
“Fine.” She scowled at him. “But there’s no need for you to come pick it up. I will make sure it is returned to the rental agency.”
In other words, she didn’t want to see him again. Understandable. After what Cliff put her through, her son’s part in all of this, and the way Eddie misrepresented himself to her, she probably felt like she couldn’t trustanyoneright now.
“Come on, I’ll let you out the front door.” Eddie led them away.
“It’s a little chilly outside, so Carter and I will hang out in Marigold’s office,” Hanna said. “I’ll gather up his things while we’re in there.”
“Thanks, Mom.” Dulce lifted the baby’s hand and kissed his chubby little fingers.
“You be a good boy for Mommy, bud.” Cole kissed his baby boy’s forehead and moved to the rear exit. He input the alarm code, and everyone stepped out to the back parking lot.
“I just checked the latest satellite image.” Cole secured his vest. “Vegetation has obscured access and visibility to the cabin, so we won’t know what we’re dealing with until we’re on site.”
“We’ll need our NVGs—it’s going to be dark in those woods.” Viking verified his night vision goggles were in his bag. “What’s Hawk’s status?”
“He was already headed this way, so I diverted him to the central maintenance building east of the trailhead.” Cole talked as he checked his own weapons and gear. “We’ll rendezvous there and head to the cabin.”
Calliope jogged to her vehicle and popped open the trunk. She inspected the contents of her gear bag, zipped it shut, and lifted it and her rifle from the trunk.
“Good to go.” She joined everyone by Cole’s SUV.