Page 10 of The Perfect Snipe

Wyatt saunters in a minute later, then leans in and gives Nora a kiss. “He did good. Stayed on the ice the whole time but wanted me in the locker room as he got out of his gear.”

Nora’s expression softens. “It’s still too soon isn’t it?”

Wyatt’s face pales. Unfortunately, Jake got taken on Wyatt’s watch and the poor guy still blames himself. Part of me feels he deserves it. But I also know Nora hadn’t fully told Wyattthe whole story, so he hadn’t known not to let Jake go with his father.

“He’ll get there. And the kids all have his back. They even try cheering him up.” Wyatt turns to look at me. “Leo went to pick up Stella from dance class. He should be here any minute.”

I nod.

“How’s it going? He treatin’ you well?” Wyatt’s expression is serious, his mouth firm, eyes studious, as if trying to read me for some tell. There’s absolutely no hint of his normal jokester self.

Holy shit.

He’s being protective of me.

“Leo’s fine. You guys have been gone most of the week anyway.” Time for a little guilt trip though. “So, is the concern that you pretty much kicked me off your couch?”

He groans, rubbing the back of his neck. “Nooo. I just want to make sure that stoic asshole isn’t being . . . well, an asshole.”

The two little boys start laughing. I guess Mason is used to Wyatt calling his father an asshole. Though, it’s said in a loving way. After all, Leo and Wyatt are friends. And Leo isn’t the most comfortable socially.

“This is how you all talk about me when I'm not around.” The deep, rumbling voice cuts over our chatter.

Arms crossed over his broad chest, Leo fills the doorway with his tall, muscular frame. He pins us all with a stern glare, those cool blue eyes freezing me in place.

I drink in the sight of him in the fitted gray joggers that hug his perfect ass and strong thighs. A snug black Henley stretches across his chiseled torso. My mouth goes dry, and I have to force myself to look away before I start drooling.

Stella pushes past him, her hair in a tight bun as she rolls her eyes. “With your attitude, Dad, of course they do. I mean, Mason and I had to push you to be friends with Wyatt. And him and Ian are youronlyfriends.”

My lips press into a tight line as I fight not to laugh. His daughter is ballsy. Reminds me of myself.

But Wyatt has no decorum and gives a full-out belly laugh that fills the room. “What she said, Sparkles.”

I can’t contain myself any longer, joining Wyatt in laughing. “Sparkles?”

Leo’s groan sounds more like a warning growl, and for some reason the sound vibrates through me, igniting heat in my lower belly and my thighs clench.

I sit up straight.

What the hell?

My body never reacts like that. Not to any man. Sure, Leo’s sexy as fuck. I’ve noticed—how could I not? He’s even played a part in a fantasy or two of mine. But instant arousal from a fucking growl. Never happens.

This is not good.

Nothing can happen between us. Not that I want anything too. He’s not my type . . . that stoic nature. The silent type is overrated. May be fun at first, like he’s a mystery. But a lifetime of that. Not for me.

And with how uptight he seems to be in general, he’s probably like that in bed too. Missionary and boring.


The last thing that needs to happen is us having sex, then it getting awkward and he’s left without someone to care for his kids. Or having to rely on his bitch of a mother to help out again. That woman is something else. Still bothers me she called me a girl.

Thank my lucky fucking stars Leo didn’t drive me straight back to Nora’s after I mouthed right back off to his mother. I even think he might’ve smirked as it happened. His mouth did twitch a bit.

I just couldn’t help it. All of my life people have gone after me for either my ethnicity, attitude, or height. I learned early on, especially against the racist motherfuckers, that I need to speak up and fight back. Turning the other cheek doesn’t work and isn’t me.

While I have a good heart—no, a great heart—I’ve also got a smart mouth and am a little mean. Abuela is the same and so is my own mother.