Page 11 of The Perfect Snipe

It’s an Alonso trait.

Stella grabs a Capri Sun from the fridge, then closes the door. “I threw glitter on Dad because he yelled at me. He had practice right after.”

Okay, this girl really is like a mini version of myself. I look at Leo, unable to hide my amusement. “So, is that your nickname now?”

“No.” His response is curt, his jaw clenched.

“Yeah it is.” Wyatt pins him with a look.

“I said no.”

“You call me Virgin, so I’m calling you Sparkles.” Wyatt's tone is light, but there's a hint of steel beneath it.

Jake looks between the three of us, his young face scrunched in confusion. “What’s a virgin?”

I choke on my saliva, coughing and spluttering. Oh, this is going to be interesting. It’s not the first time Wyatt has said something that led to Jake asking questions about stuff he shouldn’t know about yet. He really needs to remember his audience.

Leo pinches the bridge of his nose. “Just a stupid nickname I call Wyatt because his middle name is Virgil.”

Jake just shrugs, apparently satisfied with the explanation. “Mr. Hartman, can I have a banana?”

Leo nods, probably grateful the subject has been dropped and that neither of his kids push the topic, especially his daughter,who has a knack for reading the room and pushing topics that seem to make her father uncomfortable.

Wyatt raises a brow at his friend. “Dude, you gonna stand there like a grouch all day?”

Stella snorts. “He’s probably just hoping you leave soon.”

Okay, I’m the nanny, not the disciplinarian, especially when Leo is home. But that comment definitely needs to be addressed, not because she’s teasing her father, which I’ve come to find as normal. But because it probably makes Nora and Wyatt feel bad, as if they aren’t welcome.

“Stella, go to your room. Now.” Leo’s tone is low and harsh.

His daughter just shrugs and heads out, not phased in the slightest. I’ve noticed that too. She’s angry at him for something. But what?

Stella is tough, keeping what’s bothering her locked up. Something I can relate to. But she needs someone to talk to, so I’ll have to let her know I’m here if she needs me.

Leo shakes his head as he walks to the Keurig. My eyes track him, dipping down to his ass. Those gray joggers emphasize just how delicious his backside is and my thighs clench once again.

And damn if I don’t have a thing for broad muscular backs.

I swallow hard as I pretty much eye fuck him, heat creeping up my neck.

A second later, sharp pain explodes in my shin. “Ow!”

My gaze swings to my best friend. The bitch just kicked me. Hard. Nora’s pinning me with a glare. That mother look, the warning one that’s telling me to knock it off.

I glance up and Wyatt’s head is tilted as he looks at me. But it’s more quizzical, probably from my sudden outburst.

“Sorry, I clipped my little toe on the chair leg. Little legs and all.”

He laughs. “Then stop swinging them, short stack.”

As the conversation carries on around me, my gaze flicks back to Leo. He leans against the counter, quietly sipping his coffee, not contributing.

My chest tightens. He seems . . . lonely. I may be the nanny, a temporary addition, but right now, Leo appears to be the real outsider here. The odd man out in his own home.

Chapter 5
