Shoving a heaping spoonful of cereal into my mouth, I chew vehemently for a moment, stalling.
I swallow hard, the lump of cereal feeling like a rock in my throat. “Just, it's not my apartment.” I gesture around with my spoon, droplets of milk splattering on the pristine countertop. I quickly wipe them away with my napkin. “This place is immaculate. Leo has everything in place. It's also not my home. I'm only here temporarily.”
Translation, I don't feel comfortable simply kicking back.
She nods, her brown eyes shimmering with understanding. “I get it. Even renting my house, there are times I feel like I'm breaking some rule.”
“Exactly.” I set my spoon down, the metal clinking against the ceramic bowl. My fingers drum nervously on the countertop as I continue. “I constantly feel like I'm being judged, even when Leo's not around. Like I'm a temporary guest who needs to be on my best behavior 24/7 in his perfect house. Wish I could be more like Wyatt. That jackass just adapts so easily.”
My best friend rolls her eyes. “Tell me about it.”
“Speaking of houses, have you guys been looking for a new place?” I take another spoonful of cereal and chew, waiting for her response.
The house Nora is currently renting is too small for the three of them, and when I was there it was just all that much smaller, which is one of the biggest reasons I decided to help Leo out.Of course, I adore his children and he was in a jam. Being an Alonso, I had to help. But he also has space, something Nora doesn’t.
She spins the mug on the countertop, staring down into it. The ceramic makes a soft scraping sound against the granite, filling the silence.
“We have and I hate it.”
I reach over and place my hand on hers. She doesn’t need to say more. I know her. And she hates Wyatt’s insisting on paying for the house. Nora would have a problem even going fifty-fifty with him. “You know you have nothing to prove, right?”
Her shoulders slump forward. “I know.”
“And Wyatt loves you. The two of you are getting married.” I squeeze her fingers lightly. “Wyatt wants to give you and Jake the best. It’s okay to receive good things.”
She sighs, her eyes misty. “I’m working on it. After everything with Michael, it's difficult to accept that someone wants to take care of me without there being an ulterior motive.”
I nod, understanding all too well. I hate that fucker and what he put her through. “So, did you find any houses you actually like?”
“Fortunately, no.” She looks around the kitchen. “Though, this place is to die for.”
I laugh. “Yeah, I think Leo should be hosting game night from now on. What about the wedding?”
Nora smiles, all her unshed tears now gone, replaced instead with brightness. “We’ve decided either Hawaii or Malaysia. It’ll be easier for my parents that way. And Ian offered to get ordained to marry us.”
“Holy shit. Malaysia would be awesome!” I drop my spoon, lean in, and glare at my best friend. “Wait, what did you say? Ianoffered to get ordained. As in, you’ve talked to him more about the wedding than me?”
She snorts. “Calm down. You know as well as I do Wyatt opened his big mouth to his friend. I swear, my fiancé is more of the bride than I am.”
We both hysterically laugh. Because it’s oh-so true.
Just then the front door opens and a stampede of feet comes racing into the house. Nora tenses, most likely nervous to see how Jake’s first day back with the Rockets went, not sure if her son will go to practice when Wyatt isn’t there, but this is progress.
Mason and Jake come barreling into the kitchen, all smiles and excited chatter. I'm relieved to see Jake in good spirits. The poor kid has barely wanted to leave the house since his asshole biological father kidnapped and hurt him.
“Hi, Mommy.” Jake runs over to Nora and hugs her tight, the gross scent of hockey gloves filling the air around us. “Hi, Auntie Cat.”
“Mrs. Clanton, Jake did so good in practice today,” Mason says as he comes into the room as well.
I bust out laughing. “Mason, she isn’t Mrs. Clanton yet.”
His face turns into a frown, brows knitting together. “But Wyatt said—”
“Don’t listen to anything that comes out of my fiancé’s mouth. Also, you can call me Nora.”