Chapter 29
“Come with me.” The Tryn yanked her arm, twisting it at an angle that shot pain up into her shoulder. “We’ve been waiting for one fertile female such as you.”
Megan jerked back to get out of the monster’s grip but he didn’t even flinch as he dragged her down the street. “Help! Help me!”
“Scream all you want but I’ve cloaked us from human eyes and ears.” He smiled, his black teeth glistening with saliva.
Of course. Humans seeing a seven-foot-tall demon would be flashed on the news all over the world.
“Where are you taking me?” And please let it be to where Levx and the triplets are.
The creature looked her up and down, making her skin crawl. “Somewhere we can do experiments without fear of fumbling mortals walking in on us.”
She needed to leave a trail for any Renjerians still alive or around to follow. But she couldn’t make it obvious either to the Tryn what she was doing or he might send his mini-minions to kill them too. With the Tryn yanking on her arm, she couldn’t tear off fragments of her clothes, hoping that was enough for the dragons to pick up on her scent. And if she pulled out her hair to leave a trail, the strands could blow away.
Her scent. Renjerians could smell almost as well as the demons. It was worth a shot.
“No, no, I won’t go anywhere with you.” She grabbed onto a streetlight and hung on. “Let me go.”
He didn’t answer her, just tugged her forcefully off the pole. Then she snagged a mailbox, pressing as much of her body to it as she could.
“I won’t tell anyone about this. Just let me go.”
Again, he yanked her away. He pulled her away from a meter she was going after. At the next light, she dove for the bus stop sign.
He backhanded her. Her cheek throbbing and when she lifted a shaky hand to it, blood coated her palm. Quickly, she pressed the bloody print onto the cement.
“Enough of this tantrum. You are my prisoner and you will do what I say.” He leaned down into her face, his breath choking her. “Understood?”
“Yes, sir.” She had to find Levx and the others.
Without another word, he yanked her upright and they walked toward an abandoned building. Each step brought more and more dread pulsing in her veins. The urgency to flee…to get the hell out of her intensified.
Her stomach tightened. Maybe this was a mistake. What if no Renjerian was around to follow and help her? How could she save herself against monsters?
“The launchpad is inside, hurry up.” He released her arm and shoved her forward.
Launchpad? Oh god, they were going to leave Earth? Panic formed a lump in her throat and her heart pounced against her chest.
He pushed her toward a concrete circle inside the empty, dusty warehouse. No spaceship in sight. Thank goodness. Just concrete littered with graffiti and broken windows.
“Stand in the center,” he ordered.
“Why do you want me if I’m just a mere human who is carrying a half-blood baby?” She lifted her chin, stalling his plan.
He shrugged. “You’re carrying three girls. We can use them to eradicate our weaknesses from Renjerian fire in addition to ensuring no other females or even half-blood Renjerians remain alive. Then we can work on the males becoming infertile too. Now get on the launch pad.”
Triplets? Were multiple births common on Levx’s planet? How was she going to care for three lives besides her own…if she got out of this alive?
“Do as I say. Get on the circle.” He narrowed his eyes.
What if this was a mistake? What if this was a different demon and didn’t know where Levx and the others were? And wouldn’t any of the Renjerians who had come to help her be here by now? When she hesitated, he growled and twisted her arm, moving her to the spot forcefully.
She winced in pain but refused to cry out. This dude…demon was all about power and letting him think he had it when the time was right might buy her an advantage. She’d need every resource she could to get out of this alive.