When both of them at the circle’s center, a white light lit up out of nowhere. Then a feeling of being sucked up in a vacuum stole the air from her lungs.
On a black floor, she landed on her hands and knees, gasping for air. Lights flashed across an instrument panel and stars danced outside a small window.
She licked her lips, terror racing through her. They were on a spaceship and what if this wasn’t where Levx and the others were? What if this demon was taking her somewhere different? Another planet?
“W-Where are we?” she asked.
He didn’t answer but hit some buttons on a few of the machines. A door slid open behind her and two more seven-foot-tall demons burst inside.
“Take her below deck and lock her up. Don’t harm the babies though.”
They grunted in response. Pain swelled in her chest, her throat closing on a scream as they picked her up and hauled her from the deck. Down a dark corridor that she was sure was the passage to hell, she screamed and twisted. Did everything she could to get away. Her cries, kicks, and curses did nothing to faze them.
“Let me go, bastards!” Her throat was raw.
Into a dark cell that seemed to be made of polish black marble, they tossed her. She slid on her side across the floor. But by the time she scrambled to her feet and rushed toward the opening, it whooshed closed. It was so black that she couldn’t see her own hand in front of her face.
She felt along the smooth surfaces for an opening, a lock, anything. Coldness seeped into her soul.
“Hello?” she shouted, hoping against hope that this was a huge ship and Levx and the others were here in the brig with her somewhere. “Is anyone there? Please.”
No answer. Her legs wobbled beneath her. She plopped down on the smooth floor, drawing her knees up to her chest. What had she done? She’d gotten herself pregnant to chase down demons in the hope of rescuing everyone. But if what the demon had said was correct, her pregnancy would be the reason why the Renjerians were wiped out for good.