Chapter 24
Levx stepped between his sister and Megan. “Focus, we need to find your sons and destroy the Tryn.”
Smoke puffed out Desmonda’s nostrils but she finally nodded. “Whatever we need to do to get my children back, I will do so—even if it means sacrificing these humans.” She growled, and I didn’t doubt she meant every word.
“No one will be dying except the enemy.” Levx tested his dragon form hidden inside his human body, still silent and healing. He just prayed it would be strong enough to battle the Tryns when they found them.
“How do we track kids? Do you guys have a police force or something?” Megan wrapped her arms around herself. “What about Alice…she needs medicine.”
Desmonda winced, kneeling beside the older woman. “She’s been bitten multiple times, the venom will kill her soon. I’m surprised she’s even alive.”
“What can we do?” Megan asked in haste, her voice soft and held a slight waver. “They weren’t after her, it’s my fault she got attacked. Why would they be after me?” Fear painted her worried expression.
“That’s a good question.” Her sister rose, facing him. “Levx? She’s not pregnant is she?”
“No.” His cheeks burned.
“Then why would they know about her?” Desmonda frowned. “Why would they come here after her…a mere human…when there are thousands in the city?”
“Unless they followed us.” Megan moved closer to her friend. “Or do they have any special powers or abilities?”
“Their sense of smell is a thousand times stronger than any animal on Earth.” Desmonda bent down and picked up Alice into her arms. “Levx, you explain it to her, then get her somewhere safe. I’ll drop off her friend with the healers and see what they can do for her. Then you, me, and my husband and whoever I will join us will go hunting.”
His sister raced through the streets in front of their apartment complex with Megan’s friend. Levx shuffled his feet, staring out the ground. What did she think of him now that she knew the truth about what he was? Was she disgusted that he wasn’t human? Hated him for lying to her? He couldn’t blame her but he had to get her somewhere safe for a few days. And her father, he needed to ensure he was taken care of while Megan was out.
“You want me to guess why the demons came here or are you going to tell me?” Megan crossed her arms.
Swallowing against his dry throat, he nodded. “Last night in your apartment. My scent got on you, so maybe that’s why they tracked her.”
“But, how could they smell you on me? I showered and lathered myself in soap.” She paled.
“Doesn’t matter. They’d smell me on you for days…if we had had sex it would take even longer to fade.”
When she didn’t say anything, his stomach tightened.
“Are you okay?” He reached out to touch her arm but she shivered and moved back a step.
She straightened her shoulders. “Doesn’t matter. Alice is injured and you have three missing boys…dragons…whatever they are. And they tried to save me and Alice and now they’re missing. First we find them, heal Alice, then deal with everything else.”
“No way in hell are you coming with us,” he let out a growl to scare her into obeying. He couldn’t handle it if anything happened to her.
“No, I will not sit by and do nothing. Whatever you people are, your children are in danger. I can help. I can lure them to us as bait, right? They found me before and they can find me again.”
“Absolutely not.” He took her hand and was relieved she didn’t pull away.
“Try and stop me.”
He hated lying to her but there was no way he was going to let her out of his sight without protection now. Best she hated him and live than die because she was a stubborn woman. Pulling out his cell, he sent a message to his brothers to prepare the sleeping gas for when they entered the building. Humans would become sluggish then fall asleep but it was harmless to half-breeds and his kind.
“Fine. Come with me to get your scraps sealed. The Tryns’ claws are venomous like their bite but they take longer to take effect. Then you can check on your friend Alice, deal?”
She gave him a short nod.
With his heart in his throat, he led her to his family’s complex. After he fulfilled his promise, he’d lock her in his room until he and the others found the Triplets and destroyed the Tryns. Then he would have to say goodbye to Megan and never see her again.
As long as she was with him, she was in danger not only from the Tryns but he didn’t think he’d be able not to be around her and not touch or kiss her. And until every last Tryn was purged from Earth, it was too dangerous to have his scent linger on her.