Chapter 25
When she entered the complex, her eyelids grew so heavy that she couldn’t keep them open longer than a second or two.
“You need sleep.” Levx’s voice was hypnotic to her. “Tomorrow, after we’ve rested, we’ll go after the Tryns, okay?”
Why was she so tired all of the sudden? Was it from the stress of everything that had happened making her feel this drained now that she was considered herself safe? Whatever it was, the idea of a bed sounded amazing.
“You can sleep in my room if you like.”
No. She didn’t want to have anything to do with him except to find the missing kids, that’s it. But she found her mouth and tongue slurring the words.
He led her to an apartment, settled her down in a massive bed, then her world went black.
* * *
Morning light trickled past the lace curtains. She rolled over and groaned. Her arms bandaged. Odd. When had that happened?
Alice? Was her friend okay? Had they been able to help her too? Megan tiptoed out of Levx’s bedroom. A few small statues of dragons lined his mantel and she resisted the urge to touch them. When she was a kid, she used to collect dragons and had her entire room decorated with them.
And where was Levx? He’d put her in his bed last night but so far she’d seen no sign of him. Her anger at him hadn’t abated any. She pushed past the rest of the apartment despite her curiosity and her stomach grumbling like she hadn’t eaten in days.
Outside his apartment, a woman nodded. Was she one of them like Levx?
“Excuse me, I’m searching for my friend. She came in with me and was hurt as well.”
“You must be Megan?” The woman tilted her head. “Hi, I’m Dena the resident vet…doctor. How are you feeling? My training bandaged you this morning and took out your IV, you were pretty dehydrated probably because of the dragon smoke inhalation.”
Megan nodded. “Uh…thanks. You’re human?”
“Yes. Taurian and I are mated.”
A mixture of nausea and intrigue-filled her. So humans and these dragons can mate? They have been doing so already? And this woman didn’t look harmed… The idea of having a relationship of her own twirled in her mind, but so did the fear that their company came with danger. The killing kind. “Would you mind showing me the way to my friend? I’d like to check on her.”
“Sure.” Dena smiled. “It’s down the hall, the last door on the right.”
“Thanks.” She followed Dena’s instructions and entered a small room with her friend bandaged like her and hooked up to bandaged machines.
Tension pressed in her chest like a weight as she approached Alice in a small bed with blue daisy flowers printed on it. Her breathing was labored but didn’t sound as raspy.
An elder man pushed forward with a tray of fruits and water. He grunted when he set the food down. “Eat.”
“Are you like the others? Levx and Desmonda?” she asked.
His shoulders hunched like he prepared to argue. “Yes, I’m their father.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Megan.” She swallowed hard. “I’m so sorry for your grandsons. They came to save me, well and Alice, from devils—Tryns.” Her mind still reeled from the fact dragons were real as were demons and both were from other planets.
“You hate us?” he asked, his hands curling into fists but he didn’t move to leave or come closer.
She paused mulling over his question. “I-I’m not sure. I’m pissed that Levx lied to me and nearly got me pregnant with an alien baby.”
“Half,” Levx’s father corrected. “None of our females can breed anymore, we don’t know why. We have humans…mates…who are doctors trying to help us.”
“Half?” Realization struck her. “Wait, Levx wasn’t ever married was he? The whole thing was a fabrication. So where did you get the human eggs then?”
He raised he white eyebrows pointedly at her.