Page 64 of The Light We Lost

“Honestly,” Nolan continued, pulling me back to the present, “I’m not sure what I want to do with it. But I have no intention of keeping it a bar.”

“Are you afraid if you’re around it you’ll start drinking again?” I asked, regretting it as soon as the words left my mouth. It wasn’t my business, and Nolan’s silence told me just as much. “I’m so sorry. Don’t answer that—”

“No, I want to answer you. I’m trying to figure out how to best explain it.” He twisted onto his side to face me, an arm propped beneath his head. If he felt vulnerable, he didn’t let it show. “I’m not really tempted to drink because of the alcohol. Being around it, smelling it, doesn’t affect me. I’ve got nothing against anyone who drinks and wants to have a good time—but my problem was I never used it as a good time. It was always to avoid all the hard shit I didn’t want to face.”

I pressed my lips together, not surprised by what he’d admitted. I might not use alcohol to cope, but I was guilty of avoidance as well—I’d literally moved across the country. “What led you to stop?”

“My drinking kind of ebbed and flowed with life. If life was good, I’d go weeks without even thinking about a drink. But when it wasn’t? I drank like there was no tomorrow. Part of me accepted that was just how my life would be. I’d numb out all the bad, and when things were steady in my mind again, I’d comeback.” He fell silent, and I was content to leave it that way, but then he said, “When my niece was born, I reconsidered my way of life. Honestly, it started when Shay showed up. Not necessarily because of her, but what she . . . what she reminded me of. She needed someone to rely on, and Brooks was that for her. And I sort of realized it might be nice to have someone trust me, not just with the easy stuff, but the hard stuff too.” He cleared his throat. “After Winnie was born, I realized I wasn’t just numbing the bad—it was the good too. The parts that make life worth living. So instead of drinking, I turned to therapy. It was hard, but my brothers and Jake helped me keep going. And from there, I started taking medication. It didn’t fix it—I don’t think it ever will. My mind sometimes still feels heavy . . . but I can breathe now.”

My chest constricted with undeniable pressure, and hot tears dripped down my cheeks. Of joy and relief. Of sorrow. “I’m happy you have your family, Nolan—that you found a reason to live.”

“I always had a reason to live, Indy.” His voice was a soft whisper. “Winnie just helped me remember it.”

I rolled onto my back, blinking through the tears. For years, I’d carried so much guilt for not knowing how to better help Nolan. A small part of me even used to be angry, confused. But now . . . I was grateful. Grateful his sweet baby niece had given him a reason to quit. Relieved he’d sought out therapy, glad he’d found a medication that seemed to work.

There was nothing shameful about needing help.

It was quiet for a long while, and I wrestled with my thoughts as I tried to decide if I should say the words resting on the tip of my tongue.Why did you divorce me? Why did you give up when you promised you wouldn’t?Not knowing had haunted me for years, and now was my chance for answers. But it wasn’t that simple. Yes, the truth could set me free. But I knew it would hurt.

Deciding I wasn’t ready to hear why Nolan stopped loving me, I found the nerve to ask something equally as hard. “Have you talked to your mom? Since she left?”

His chest rose with a deep breath. He likely didn’t want to talk about her. Honestly, I didn’t either. It was why I hadn’t asked about her until now; shedidn’t deserve his time. But it truly seemed like Nolan and I were moving forward, and to do that, I needed to know where their relationship lay. Needed to know he was okay.

Rather than Nolan telling me I’d crossed a line, he shared, “I’ve talked to her a few times. She popped back up after Dad died. Wanted to check on her sons.” He let out a curt laugh, the sound enough to send a shiver down my spine. “It took her draining my bank account for me to understand I was a damn fool and she wasn’t ever going to change. She was always going to want more than what we could give her. I haven’t talked to her since, and I pray to God I never do again.”

I clamped my jaw shut, holding back my words as a wave of emotions rushed through me. There was anger. Confusion. How could she not only desert her family, but use and abuse them? How could she look Nolan square in the eye and not see how much he was worth?

Realizing I’d never understand, I said the only thing I could. “I’m sorry, Nolan. You didn’t deserve that. And I promise, someday she’ll regret walking away from you.”

I do.

“I’m not sorry,” he whispered, surprising me. “Maybe it’s wrong of me, but in a way I’m glad she left. If she hadn’t, I might not have had the relationship I did with Dad when I was a kid, or be as close with my brothers as I am now. Hell, if she would’ve stuck around, I might’ve not run away that night... and you wouldn’t have found me.” Despite the wound the past had inflicted, the idea of not finding Nolan in the forest that night all those years ago hurt more than I expected. “Honestly, I’m okay. I’ve let her go. I’ve accepted there’s no point in hanging on to someone who wants to leave.”

I nodded, though I didn’t miss the sense of defeat in his words. I was glad he had moved on from his mom. He deserved more than her. But part of me feared some of that acceptance had come from Nolan believing there was something about him that made him deserve to be left. My soul ached at the thought, and while part of me wanted to roll over and shake him until he understood the right people would stay, I knew I needed to trust his words. He’d told me he was okay.

Wanting to lighten the mood, I propped my arms beneath my head and focused on the starry night sky. “If you could wish for anything, what would it be?”

Nolan gave a startled laugh, apparently caught off guard by the change of subject. “Did you see a shooting star or something?”

I hadn’t. But the more Nolan gave to me, the more I wanted. “No. I was just curious what you would wish for.”

“Um, I don’t know. I’ve never thought about it.”

I twisted back onto my side. Why did he feel comfortable sharing what he just had, but not a silly little wish? “Please? I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”

He rolled his lips together, seeming to think it over. But rather than giving in, he asked, “How do I know you won’t cheat?”

“Why would I cheat?”

He adjusted the arm beneath his head, laying the other in the space between us. “Last game we played, you gave me all lies.”

I bit my lip. “I didn’t.”

“Okay. We’ll agree to disagree.” I opened my mouth to point out he was still wrong, but then he said, “You might have given me two truths and one lie, but I don’t believe the lies you’ve convinced yourself are true.”

I dropped my gaze to the blanket, praying the pang in my heart wasn’t portrayed on my face. But with no more than a foot between us, Nolan could see everything I was feeling. Regardless, I feigned indifference. “I’d wish for endless bowls of Lucky Charms. Ones that never went soggy.” It was true. I hadn’t had them since Nolan shared them with me as a peace offering in New York, and I was needy for more.

He cracked a smile. “See? You’re such a cheater.”